Top referee Felix Brych wants to referee in the Bundesliga beyond the age limit of 47, which is common for the DFB.

“During the winter training camp in Lagos, I signaled to the sporting management that I was willing to be available as a referee beyond the current Bundesliga season,” said the Munich player, who will be 48 on August 3rd press agency.

The age limit for referees in professional football is not anchored in the statutes of the German Football Association (DFB), but has been in practice up to now. In this case, however, a lawsuit by former FIFA and Bundesliga referee Manuel Graefe is pending: The now 49-year-old Berliner wants compensation from the DFB because he had to end his career last year. The responsible regional court in Frankfurt/Main has scheduled a pronouncement date for this Wednesday.

DFB is thinking about softening

The DFB had already indicated that they would consider relaxing the age limit. According to dpa information, the association wants to wait for the verdict in the Gräfe trial. “We welcome Felix Brych’s willingness and are still very open about squad planning for the next 2023/2024 season,” said a statement from DFB Schiri GmbH. “As usual, the official referee lists will be determined and published in the summer. In principle, the referees who then meet the necessary requirements can be taken into account.”

Brych, five times “Referee of the Year” in Germany, withdrew from international business after the EM 2021. He was the only German referee at the 2014 World Championships in Brazil and 2018 in Russia.