Four years ago, I spotted astronomers outbreaks of two exceptionally bright Light. The one sprang from a dwarf galaxy, which is about 500 million light-years from earth. The other has its origin about 3.4 billion light years. Today researchers are convinced that It is a blue optical transients (FBOT), which were captured in radio waves and x-rays. And thus members of a new class of cosmic explosions, such as the researchers in the “Astrophysical Journal” and the magazine “the Astrophysical Journal Letters” reports.

FBOTs are still very enigmatic events. Astronomers for the rapid, high-energy and powerful energy outbreaks still clearly a source. In particular supernova explosions, sudden discharges in the environment of Black holes or neutron stars.

FBOTs fade extremely quickly

As the Name suggests, fade the transient is very fast, unlike Supernovae, which are week-long, visible, they fade within a few days. This is probably the main reason why researchers so far, only three outbreaks have been observed: ZTF18abvkwla (“The Koala”) and CSS161010 from the year 2016 and AT2018COW (“The Cow”) in the year 2018.

AT2018COW is the most famous of the events – it could be linked to a Black hole or a neutron star together. However, the newly identified FBOT CRTS-CSS161010 J045834-081803 – short CSS161010 – has surpassed “The Cow” in speed and matter emissions significantly.

according to the researchers, has CSS161010 produces one of the fastest outflows ever observed. He had thrown Gas and particles with more than 55 percent of the speed of light into space. “It took almost two years, until we found out what we saw, just because it was so unusual,” said Raffaella Margutti, a co-author of the study.

What looked like a mistake, it was a discovery,

Anna Ho has, in turn, deals with ZTF18abvkwla. She, too, was surprised. You’ve immediately noticed is that the Radio emission of the object was as bright as that of a gamma-ray eruption. However, “as I reduced the data, I thought I had made a mistake,” says astronomer at the California Institute of Technology.

FBOTs could be similar to begin with, certain Supernovae, suggests the team. In the case of a star much more massive than the sun collapses at the end of its normal, fusion-powered life and ignites this Explosion. In the further course of FBOTs seem to develop differently. Whether this is really so, it will probably show more of the rare events.

it is – how could it be otherwise – with the help of telescopes aimed more FBOTs to track down, to learn more about you.

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