The Falcon-9 rocket is scheduled to launch on Wednesday at 16.33 local time (22.33 GMT) from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral and a Dragon capsule with two American astronauts on Board the ISS bring. On Friday and Saturday for more Tests had been carried out, among other things, the two American astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley tried on their space suits.

“Now we just need to get out, as we the weather can control,” said Kathy Lueders from the Nasa program for commercial human spaceflight. According to the weather forecast a 60 percent probability, that on Wednesday the weather conditions for the Start of the Mission Demo 2 bad there is to say. A next possible launch window has been calculated by Nasa for Saturday.

meteorologist Mike McAleenan said on Monday, however, there is hope to insist on. The weather in Florida had changed, finally, in the last time, often rapidly.

Computational probability for “loss of Crew” is 1 to 276

a Nasa spokesman Joshua Finch, the news Agency AFP said, the mathematical probability for a “loss of Crew” in the SpaceX Mission is 1 to 276. The Nasa required minimum value of 1 to 270 is.

dpa SpaceX to Nasa astronauts to the ISS to bring

end the shame: astronauts launch again from the US to the ISS

It is one of the ironic twists in the history of the world: To have your most expensive building in the US-Americans without the Russians for years, no longer have access. Only Russian Soyuz spacecraft transported even astronauts to the mainly US-funded International space station (ISS). This should now be brought to an end After almost nine years of a break on Wednesday (27 to. May) start up again for the first time astronauts from the USA to the ISS.

This was the beginning of a “new Era of American leadership in space,” said Vice President Mike Pence. Last 2011, the astronaut with the space Shuttle “Atlantis were in the summer,” from the launch pad 39A of the space station Cape Canaveral to the space station flew. After that, the U.S. space Agency, Nasa, motet its Space Shuttle fleet due to cost reasons and had to rely for flights to the ISS since then to Russia. That was up to 80 million Euro per flight in a Russian Soyuz capsule only expensive, but scratched also powerful in the Ego.

Nasa has commissioned in 2014 by the way, in addition to SpaceX, Paypal and Tesla founder Elon Musk, also the US aviation giant Boeing to develop space shuttles for manned missions. Boeing had with its rocket Starliner recently, however, a setback. A flight test in December failed due to Software problems. 13-Year-old is filming illegally Tesla-construction – Elon Musk is excited to FOCUS Online/Wochit 13-Year-old is filming illegally Tesla-construction – Elon Musk is an enthusiastic member of The FOCUS Online/Wochit In the
