In our household a lot of micro-plastic is located. With the naked eye they are visible only under the microscope, they are visible. Plastic particles five millimeters or less, are called micro plastic. They are not water soluble and not biodegradable. Micro-plastic is intended to support the cleaning effect and is used as a binder or filler. That’s why manufacturers use it in scrubs, Shampoos and sun creams, as well as in lip gloss and Make-Ups. In some European countries, the use of microplastics in cosmetics is already banned in Germany, manufacturers have to give up to 2020, voluntarily. However, not only in our bathroom, it is to be found: fleece jackets, sports clothes and clothes made of synthetic fibers such as Polyester contain micro-plastic, thus they are able to produce particularly cheap. A great environmental sin, because each time you wash it, the tiny plastic particles into the water. Also in the abrasion of car tyres, in cleaning materials such as micro fibre cloths, as well as in some paints and lacquers micro-plastic is located.

The size is the Problem: The tiny particles are too small, and as a result, you can fish the water treatment plant is to a large part out. This will take you to rivers, lakes and seas, and engage in Ecosystem: On the plastic particles, pathogens and toxins can adhere particularly well. In addition, animals, micro-plastic keep for food, they eat it and it accumulates in your body. This can cause animals to change their behavior. The Pacific oyster is increasingly characterized by less and in the case of the Asian green mussel mortality is increased. Furthermore, researchers were able to demonstrate the micro-plastic in the stomach-intestinal tract of animals, resulting in the worst case, to Starve to death. As the person eats fish and other sea creatures, can land the micro-plastic in his body. What are the consequences this can have for our health, yet too little explored – allergies and inflammation, would be as a result conceivable.

How can we avoid micro-plastic?

consumers are aware of micro plastics in products is difficult, help is a look at the ingredients, Polyethylene, acrylates Copolymer, and trimethylsiloxy silicates are micro-plastic. But there are numerous other name and abbreviations, a directory of Interest to the home of various environmental organizations. This list also cosmetics, the micro-plastic included. A further help are the numerous Apps that display micro-plastic by scanning the Barcode. For clothes, a Berlin-based Start-up a wash bag, by the name of Guppyfriend. In the synthetic clothes during the Washing hanging in the micro plastic remains in the dense network, and later, you can dispose of these particles in the residual waste. Even more environmentally friendly, the use of plastic is, of course, containing clothing, a consumer can buy instead of natural fibers such as cotton, viscose or silk. In addition, everyone should be careful not to consume useless clothes and to wash them only when necessary.

whence comes the micro plastic in the sea?

The micro-plastic in the sea, however, comes mainly from the waste water. It is formed when plastic trash such as bags, packaging, and fishing nets are decomposed into smaller particles. This is the result of a study commissioned by the Federal environment Agency. Micro-plastic in cosmetics makes, therefore, a quantitatively small share in the sea, but it is unnecessary.

Who wants to reduce the plastic pollution in the sea, you should primary pay attention to a waiver of plastic products. In order to combat the biggest Problem. However, the waiver of microplastics in cosmetics and clothing is another, and easily implementable step to reduce micro-plastic is.

This article was written by Charlotte Lazy

*The contribution of “cosmetics and household: what are the products of micro-plastic is?” will be released by world of wonder. Contact with the executives here.

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