Four medical societies have called to open kindergartens and schools, in spite of the Corona-pandemic immediately and completely.

day-care centres and primary schools should be promptly re-opened

In a joint paper States: “in Particular, in the case of children under the age of 10, the current data argue for a lower infection as well as a significantly lower infection rate.” In contrast, the social and health consequences of the closure were severe.

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In its opinion letter, the German society for hospital hygiene, the German society for pediatric infectious diseases, the German Academy for children and youth medicine and the professional Association of child and youth doctors in Germany, “day-care centres, kindergartens and primary schools should, wherever possible, be promptly re-opened” and “fully”. There are no small groups should be formed. Also, the children would have to true, neither distance nor wear masks.

Complete classes to

be taught “more important than the individual size of the group, the question of the sustainable constancy of the respective group, and avoidance of mixtures”, – stated in the paper. You mean: It could be a complete class taught, as long as you don’t pay attention in the breaks that the students met with those of the other classes. dpa/Jonas Güttler/dpabild students to Abitur of the gymnasium tasks in computer science-basic course edit.

To write the controversial question of how contagious children, the authors state: “Numerous findings speak against an increased risk of infection by children.” Various studies and evaluations “result in an increasingly coherent picture that children can play in the current Covid-19 pandemic in contrast to the role in Influenza Transmission no outstanding role in the propagation dynamics.”

An Overview of the 16 Federal States:

BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG : in the middle of June to get all students to at least temporarily back in the classroom. In addition, a limited rule of operation for the day-care centres: a Maximum of 50 percent of the children should be at the same time in the daycare.

BAVARIA: Some of the vintages are back for more schools, until after the Whitsun holidays in mid-June, all students should go at least for a day in the school. In the day-care centres emergency care in the rule.

BERLIN: Until the summer of every nursery to obtain child care. Until the end of may all students are to go with a reduced number of hours in the schools.

BRANDENBURG : All the Brandenburg pupils from the age of 25. May go up to the summer holidays, back to school, at least for a day, day-care centre for children from the end of may.

BREMEN: In primary schools will be brought to all classes is one step back. In secondary school, some classes are back already, other classes will follow on may 25. May. 1. June all pre-school children will come again in day-care centres.

HAMBURG: From the 25. May want to get all students at least once per week teaching in the school. Day-care centres is one step in the operation.

HESSEN kindergartens are to be transferred at the beginning of June gradually in the restricted normal mode. The teaching at the schools has started to step way back. dpa/Sebastian Matthew Downey United/dpa-Central image/dpaibild A woman prepares tables for an exam in a hall.

MECKLENBURG-Western POMERANIA: The students will return already in the schools. 25. May day-care centres should be open to all children.

lower Saxony : The emergency care in the day-care centres is gradually extended, the return to the normal operation is for the 1. August planned. Students are to return to from the 15. June to have all the vintages back to teaching in the schools.

North RHINE-WESTPHALIA: kindergarten children and pupils returning gradually. From the end of may all the students for a day to give receive classroom lessons, starting in September, it is a “limited rule” for all kindergarten children.

RHEINLAND-PFALZ: The class has begun gradually recovered, all students should go to mid-June back to school. The centers will be open until the summer holidays for all.

SAARLAND In day-care centres and schools should there be, at the latest, up to the summer holidays, “a regular mode”.

AXLES: of Saxony, day-care centres and primary schools can open in the restricted control operation for all the children. Students in secondary schools should at least partly be taught again in the schools.

SACHSEN-ANHALT so Far, all of the class should be returned stages for at least a day for direct exchange with their teachers in the schools. All kindergarten children from the 2. June in your nursery must.

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN: From the 25. May want to start for other vintages back to the school. This applies to classes 1 to 3 primary schools and the year groups 8, 9 and 10 in community schools and high schools. 1. June should apply in the day-care centres a restricted control operation.

THÜRINGEN: , The municipalities could decide for themselves whether they will start on Monday in the kindergartens with a restricted control operation. No later than 15. June this is to start in all day-care centres. In the schools, at the latest after Pentecost, again all of the students in the classroom to participate.

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