The women’s soccer team at VfL Wolfsburg has secured a good starting position in the first leg of the quarter-finals of the Champions League at Paris Saint-Germain.

The German champions won somewhat happily 1-0 (0-0) against the top French team thanks to a converted hand penalty by Dominique Janssen (62nd minute). In the second leg on March 30 (6.45 p.m.) in the Volkswagen Arena in Wolfsburg, VfL now has a good chance of reaching the semi-finals.

Before the Bundesliga top game on Saturday (5.55 p.m.) at second-placed FC Bayern Munich, VfL presented itself in good form, especially on the defensive. However, the club from the French capital had the greatest opportunity to take the lead in the first half: Former Wolfsburg player Ramona Bachmann failed with her attempt at VfL keeper Merle Frohms (32nd).

VAR intervenes

VfL had double luck after the change of sides: First, referee Rebecca Welch took back a penalty kick for Paris after the intervention of the video assistant (VAR) (52nd). A few minutes later, VAR intervened again on the other side: Elisa de Almeida got the ball after a header from Wolfsburg’s Lena Oberdorf. After checking, Welch decided on a penalty, and de Almeida also saw the yellow-red card. Janssen confidently converted to the VfL lead (62nd).

In the period that followed, Wolfsburg managed to make it 1-0 with a majority. Paris tried to equalize in the closing stages, but didn’t get any chances worth mentioning against a good VfL defence.