BVB can take a giant step towards the round of 16 on Wednesday evening when they play in the Champions League at FC Sevilla. Arguments and excuses don’t count in Andalusia: now this team has to show that they can live up to their own standards.

With a win at FC Sevilla, BVB can extend the lead over the Spaniards to four points. With the expected course – both Borussia Dortmund and Sevilla lose against Manchester City and win against Copenhagen – and no BVB defeat against Sevilla in Dortmund, that’s enough for the round of 16 of the premier class. As far as the starting position on paper. Winning in Seville is not a sure-fire success. And measured against the personnel problems that have accompanied BVB throughout the season and are still affecting Borussia today, a defeat would even be justifiable on the argumentative side.

I count myself among the BVB fans who prefer a logical and understanding analysis of dissatisfaction and anger when things don’t go perfectly. I’m advocating that Edin Terzic needs time, as well as the many newcomers and that BVB has even reached the highest maximum so far this season with the unspeakable bad luck with injuries. From a team that is as personal as Borussia, their rhythm is disturbed again and again by new injuries and failures, simply no miracles are to be expected. And I usually base my expectations on this standard.

It’s different today. Today it’s about whether you win or lose – nothing more. Today, no excuses, no analyzes or logical arguments count for me. In recent years, this highly talented team has always failed to be there at the moment and simply want to win more than their opponents. It’s less about the tiresome question of mentality and much more about the courage to believe in success, no matter how unlikely it may be. That’s what I expect from BVB today. Not making excuses, pushing against the odds and getting three points, no matter what. That is the claim that the club has and communicates: to go to the limit, to be successful and not to make yourself comfortable. This is only possible as a collective and the question arises in Dortmund: is this team a unit that pulls together and pursues a common goal? Or does everyone somehow cook their own soup? When the floodlights go on in Seville and the ball rolls at 9 p.m., it’s time for BVB to answer this question with an exclamation mark. Everything else doesn’t count today.

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This article was originally published on as Der BVB in Sevilla: A game without excuses.