Cheftrænerne in Kvindeligaen has identified Nicoline Sørensen as the autumn profile in the best Danish.
Landsholdsangriberen Nicoline Sørensen is sovereign top scorer in Gjensidige Kvindeligaen, and on Sunday she has received a tribute for his fall with 16 goals in 14 matches.
Brøndbys 22-year-old måltyv has been named to the autumn profile in the row, and she received the prize at the Brøndby Stadium in connection with the superligakampen between Brøndby and FC Midtjylland.
It is the eight cheftrænere in kvindeligaen, A-national coach Lars Søndergaard and U19-coach Søren Randa-Boldt, who has identified Nicoline Sørensen.
along the Way in the fall, she has, among other things, scored two hattricks, and national coach Lars Søndergaard has also been impressed by the attacker’s performance.
– Nicoline Sørensen has been outstanding in the fall, she has been stable on a level above all others, says the national coach.
Number two on the friendly game against france is Fortuna Hjørring Caroline Møller Hansen, who has scored four times fewer than Nicoline Sørensen.
in turn, can Fortuna-the player will be pleased that the people from northern jutland leads Gjensidige Kvindeligaen by the winter break with a points down to Brøndby – among other things because vestegnsklubben was taberdømt in a match against FC Nordsjælland the first round.