Yolanda Diaz (Fene, A Coruña, 48 years) joined the leader of we Can long before this the proposed as minister of Labour. It was in 2012, two years before Pablo Iglesias founded a party for “storming the heavens”. Diaz hired him as an adviser for his campaign in the elections in galicia. Was part then of AGE (Alternativa Galega de Esquerda), a coalition integrated by the formation of Xosé Manuel Beiras (Anova), Equo and Esquerda Unida, his party. A group precursor of the confluences we Can with nationalist groups.

Diaz is affiliated to the Communist Party from a very young age. His father, Suso, former secretary of the CC OO in Galicia, had been active in the party in the underground during the franco regime, and known the prison. “I was four years old when Santiago Carrillo [then leader of the PCE] I kissed your hand,” she stated to THE COUNTRY. His uncle Xosé (a twin of his father) was also a union leader in Galicia and deputy regional BNG. She is trained as a lawyer labor.

Your experience of management policy dates back to 2007 and it did not end well. Diaz is allied with the socialist party and was deputy mayor in the town Hall of Ferrol (70,000 inhabitants) until the coalition broke down. “Technical policy ” no, thank you”, summed up with bitterness.

In 2009, when she was the only woman candidate to the regional Government, arrived to ensure: “I have No political ambition. There is always that to convince me for everything.” In another interview in 2014, then as the leader of Esquerda Unida and viceportavoz of AGE, stated: “it Is impossible to govern with the PSOE”. The first Executive coalition from the Republic, in which the socialists share in the Council of Ministers with United we Can, will have it at the front of the portfolio of Work. The was convinced.