
  • imDebatten All the important information to Merkel’s speech-Ticker

It was not a Bang, but audibly, the drum roll. The woman that had to live 35 years of her life in a forced system without freedom to travel, well-known members of the European Parliament, as “infinitely heavy” it’s like that, because of the Corona-crisis, citizens ‘ rights and limiting freedom of movement. And undertook to secure freedom and democracy in the whole of the EU, because they were the “most important thing” in Europe. This is likely to have heard of especially the Ruling in Budapest and Warsaw with displeasure. Because to you this is the warning Angela Merkel was coined, even if they were not mentioned.

Merkel’s EU speech as a slap in the face for Orban

The first trip abroad of the Chancellor since the Covid-19-arrangements led them to Brussels. With voltage was expected, how you would position yourself for the next six months, in which Germany sits in one of the European Executive chair. The Chancellor surprised, calling the defense of fundamental rights in Europe, first of all, the things that were particularly important. This is remarkable, because of the respect should be in front of these fundamental rights is actually common basis for all EU member States. In particular, Hungary and Poland did it recently, but doubt it.

“must be A pandemic never an excuse to democratic principles to overturn it,” said the Chancellor – a clear slap in the face for the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, was a state of emergency law to authorize, to be able to because of the pandemic by decree to rule. Like a red thread for Orban, perhaps, a red cloth pulled, the commitment to individual freedom and civil rights by the speech of the Kanzlerein, which culminated in the self-commitment: “The fundamental rights, they are the First, which is me in this presidency on the heart.”

EU money only for Democrats?

if my Merkel is serious, it has serious conflicts in front of the bow. Because it has practical consequences for one of the biggest challenges that lies ahead and the EU-institutions: the adoption of a new multiannual financial budget for the embedding of the proposed Corona-stimulus package. In Brussels, there are Long efforts to link the release of funds for the EU countries on the condition that they respect the rule of law.

In connection with the finances, the head of government of the economic power remained the most capable member of the EU ambivalent. Her announcement that Germany had to “exceptional solidarity” ready, the reminder to charge economically strong States “over charge”. Here Merkel openly holds your powder for further tough negotiations.

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Merkel and Möbius

The Federal government has chosen the Möbius strip as the Logo for its presidency of the Council. It is one of the German scientists discovered the geometric figure. A möbius strip is created, if you twist a narrow strip of paper once and then stick together. You can’t distinguish him between the inside and the outside. It puts a pin on him, would have to be drawn first to one side and then comes out on the other – on the way to the start point.

According to the Federal government, the Logo symbolizes “a solidarity-based and innovative Europe, which creates the exchange and the convergence of various interests in Common”. Who is with the circumstances in Brussels familiar, it may also be seen as an apt Symbol for the infinite in a circle, rotating debates. Right after your speech, this went on for Merkel. Was scheduled a “Mini-summit” with

the EU Commission, head of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Parliament David Sassoli and Charles Michel, President of the European Council, on the budget. Merkel should be able to a solution to initiate, would be a hit Gordian knot as a new Logo for its presidency of the Council into consideration.

Plenty of other seemingly inextricably glow remained at the end of ball still left: Corona-To – and -Prevention. Brexit. Climate protection. Migration and asylum policy. Digitalization. The relationship to Russia, China and the United States. A conference on the future of Europe. Steps to a truly common EU Foreign, security and defence policy. The pre-accession of the Western Balkan countries to the European Union. Frau Merkel, over to you!

“the meal, Frau Merkel”: Before the eyes of the Chancellor, Martin Sonneborn continues to ridicule speech to FOCUS Online/Wochit “meal, Frau Merkel”: Before the eyes of the Chancellor, Martin Sonneborn continues to ridicule speech

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