to visit the relatives, give a concert, attending a conference: he Who comes from Africa and only take a short time to Europe would usually need a so-called Schengen-visa. It is valid in 26 European countries, for up to three months valid and very sought after. In 2019, the EU-member countries accounted for over 15 million Visa. Almost 17 million applications were received, ten years before, there were just over 10 million. Who gets a visa and what is the application procedure – those rules adopted by the European Union ten years ago. Much too long, says the EU: “We haven’t had to update the rules so that they are so awkward and at the same time, but a high level of security is guaranteed,” said EU spokesman Adalbert Jahnz the DW.

Since February, therefore, apply the new rules. Some applicants are likely to look forward to: the Visa can now be six instead of three months before the date of travel requested. Also, a multiple-entry visa should be apply according to EU-information easier to use. Allow travelers, within a period of up to five years to enter the EU. Applications will no longer be able to on paper, but also electronically made.

“The new rules will make it for applicants from Africa is easier – on the one hand,” says Amanda Bisong for the DW. However, the migration expert from Nigeria also knows that on the Other hand. The Visa will be more expensive: Instead of 60 Euro, the coveted label will cost in the passport in the future 80. For the first time, the Visa also depends on whether the home country of the applicant co-operates in the redemption of deported migrants with the EU. “When this mechanism is activated, would increase the rejection rates for applications from Africa,” warns Bisong.

A pressure medium throw more

Because the EU-member countries, some African States, so-called redemptions are not to be delayed – for example, by issuing in need of travel documents. In the case of Africa-travel of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, for example, the topic is almost always on the agenda. With the new Visa rules, countries like Germany now have the leverage to do more. The EU Commission should in the future evaluate in regular investigations, such as cooperative individual African States. Who doesn’t get lost in the process, well, you get problems. The EU is threatening to deal with applications from these countries for longer, the fees still further to increase or limit the validity of the Visa.

“It is important not to make that a more restrictive implementation of some of the rules provides the General possibility are eligible to apply for a visa and get it”, trying to EU spokesman Jahnz to appease. In addition, the EU offers carrots as well as a carrot: anyone Who makes it from the Brussels point of view his homework, gets a reward. For citizens of these countries visa could decrease fees and applications will be processed faster.

hurdles will be higher

What is the for the individual applicant? “The likelihood is high that business people, artists, members of the political Elite likely to continue to get the Visa, because it is in the European interest to maintain the economic-political exchange,” says the osnabrück-based migration researcher Jochen Oltmer in the DW-Interview. “For people that are from the point of view of the European interests are less important, are likely to be the hurdles, it can be significantly higher.”

Because the question remains whether African governments to yield to the pressure from Brussels. “Many countries are dependent on the remittances of migrants, from the EU,” says Amanda Bisong. 2019 fin 48 billion US dollars from all over the world to Africa. Also many illegal migrants the family to send home money regularly.

in addition, African governments are not always talk well to the European partners: “For African governments, it is important that the EU adheres to a variety of bilateral and multilateral agreements. If the EU fails to meet certain obligations, it will be seen from an African perspective as a lack of cooperation. There was correspondingly little interest in the subject redemptions, to cooperate”, as Bisong is.

And so, the new pressure could be ineffective – it is the African traveller, but still make it harder to visit Europe.

author: Daniel Pelz

*The post “What will the new EU visa rules for Africa mean?” published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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