US President Joe Biden arrived in Ukraine on Monday under the strictest security measures. Before an announced visit to Poland, Biden arrived in the capital Kiev with his delegation in the morning. He also met President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Both commemorated the fallen Ukrainians together. During the stay there was an air raid alarm. As the first anniversary of the Russian invasion approaches, this is Biden’s first visit to Ukraine since the war began. For security reasons, the trip was kept secret for a long time.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and has been waging a brutal war against the neighboring country ever since. In recent weeks there has been speculation that Biden could combine his trip to Poland with a visit to Ukraine. The White House has repeatedly stated that this is not planned. However, high-level trips to crisis areas are usually kept secret until the last moment.

Numerous heads of state and government as well as ministers from other countries had already visited Ukraine in the past months since the beginning of the war – some several times. Several members of the government were also there from the USA, as was Biden’s wife Jill. Biden has never been to Ukraine as President. It generally has significantly higher security requirements.

The fact that he was planning his visit just before the first anniversary of the outbreak of war has great symbolic value – as a sign of the support of the most important and powerful ally. In the past few months, the Americans had launched various packages of weapons and ammunition worth billions in rapid succession. According to the Pentagon, the US has provided or pledged nearly $30 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since the war began. This also includes various heavy weapon systems.

Talks planned in Warsaw

Biden and his government have pledged to support Ukraine in the long term – as long as it is necessary. The US government headquarters also issued this as the core message for Biden’s visit to Poland. Now he delivered them personally in Kiev.

Biden plans talks in the Polish capital Warsaw on Tuesday and Wednesday. According to the White House, a meeting with Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and a speech in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw are planned. On Wednesday, Biden also wants to meet with representatives of other Eastern European NATO countries.

The US President last visited Poland at the end of March 2022, around a month after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Even then, Biden had given a well-received speech in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. In it he pledged support for Ukraine and sharply attacked Russian President Vladimir Putin.