The process against the Islamist hate preacher Abu Walaa from Hildesheim at the higher regional court in Celle became known on Tuesday, a controversial Detail, is the political consequences it could have. A lawyer claimed in a public meeting, to hear the 43-year-old Muhamet D. as a witness. According to the Cologne-based lawyer Michael Murat Sertzös to FOCUS Online it should be in the man from Wülfrath to “Murat Cem”, also known under the code name “VP01” (abbreviation for “person of trust 01”)

That was the cover name for the main man, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia had provided the authority for many years with information from the Islamists scene. The Snitch had also been on the Tunisian Islamists anise Amri recognized, as he lived from the end of 2015 to spring of 2016, also in North Rhine-Westphalia. At that time Murat Cem warned “” against a potential attack plans of the Tunisian IS fighter. However, the Federal authorities gave to his information, no Faith.

And it was no problem just months later, the attack on the Christmas market on Berlin to commit Breitscheidplatz. The Tunisian was at 19. December with a stolen semi-trailer in the crowd dangers, and had twelve people were killed and 55 injured.

the lawyer revealed, “VP01” a judgment due to Diesel theft

The “VP01” siphoned off in time 2015/2015 next to Amri also other key figures of the Islamist terrorist network. Information of “Murat Cem” led to the arrest of the alleged IS-Governor in Germany, Abu Walaa, and other Faithful. You have to answer currently, because of the different terrorist offences before the state security Senate in Celle.

The lawyer, who have now identified D. Muhamet as “Murat Cem” and as a witness to hear, we was the identity through the “mirror”-tell-all book, “Undercover: A V-man whips out” to track down. In the book is described very in detail, such as “Murat Cem” is sentenced at the beginning of the year to a court for the theft of Thousands of litres of Diesel, as well as of an E-bike to a term of imprisonment of one year and ten months on probation.

the Name of The court is not mentioned in the book. However, there is a description of the eye-catching building, which corresponds according to the lawyer, even “exactly” the description of the building on the website of the local court in Borken. On demand, the lawyer got to know that there in January, in fact, a man due to fuel and E-Bike-theft to referred to sentence was sentenced. The Name of the Convicted person Muhamet D is.. old age and other biographical details of the book were consistent with those from the local court in Borken.

V-man gave a careless Interview with real name

And also in another Chapter, the attorney discovered clues to the true identity of the former police-V-Mann, in the case of a Fire in a house fire in may 2010 in Kaarst, at the “Murat Cem” as the local residents was affected. While in the book citing a report of the “Rheinische Post” from “Murat Cem” is, found out the lawyer that the same Person had also told the West German newspaper Details of the fire, however, under his real name Muhamet D.

it is crucial for policy warnings to Amri ignored

The unmasking of the “Murat Cem” could have an explosive on the two Amri-under-corruption committees in the Bundestag and in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Just a few days ago, the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the interior had granted the Bundestag a cancellation, “Murat Cem” Muhamet alias D. in the Amri-listen to the investigation Committee. Justification: The life of the witness is in danger, every small clue could mean his death.

“Murat Cem” had warned, according to the “mirror” of the authorities before the attack on the Breitscheidpplatz several times before the danger of anise Amri – both in NRW than in Berlin. The warnings had not been heeded by the authorities, however, quoted the sheet of the V-man.

Curiously, it seems that the spies acted, apparently very carelessly, as he revealed in 2010, at least one newspaper in reporting on the house fire to his real name, although he already had a code name as an informer. In addition, the statements of the former V-man could also ensure the security authorities for adversity. Because in the revelation book D. alias “Murat Cem had been” among other things, “Fanta”, what would be, if he all, had suddenly been in Abu Walaa-process there and say, “that what he had given to the police, ever to lie to me?”.

a mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other los FOCUS Online/Wochit mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other