61 rifles and a tank: This military equipment want to keep the security services of the “United school district of Los Angeles” (“L. A. Unified”). As the “L. A. Times” reported, to have received a number of educational institutions the weapons under a nationwide program. In the context of excess military would have distributed Equipment to local law enforcement authorities, security services of the US schools.

program for the U.S.: weapons to acts of violence in schools

prevent, On Tuesday had announced the security officials of the schools of L. A. Unified, then, a part of the equipment – namely, three grenade launchers – to return. 61 rifles and an armored vehicle should remain part of the School inventory. Since 1997, military equipment worth more than five million US dollars had been distributed according to the “L. A. Times” to law enforcement authorities, including school police.

L. A. Unified is one of about 22 school systems in eight States that participate in the project. In the United States, the school police has increased their presence since the shooting rampage at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 in Newton. At that time, 20 had been shot-Year-old, 20 children and six adults who worked in the educational institution.

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Fowler: “Military weapons belong in school yards”

Now would, according to the “L. A. Times” at least “half a dozen” of the school districts Campus police officer high performance carry guns. Apparently, in order to prevent future attacks. Education and civil rights movements do not share this view, however: in your opinion, reinforcing the Wearing of weapons kidney only existing conflicts and discrimination on top of that black and disabled students.

Deborah Fowler, Deputy Director of a Non-Profit Organisation working for social justice, is quoted as follows from the sheet, such as: “Military weapons do not belong on school grounds.” Instead, she calls for a return to “common sense, when it comes to the way to ensure safety in schools”.

School district in Los Angeles referred to the weapons as “life-saving”

The United School district of Los Angeles refers to the guns that you have received under the nationwide program, as a “life-saving”. They would also continue to be trained police officers available. The tank should be only in exceptional cases. After sexist comment: the SPD politician AfD-man in the Landtag buttons before FOCUS Online/Wochit After sexist comment: the SPD politician buttoned AfD-man in the Parliament before.
