The Interview of the “New York Times” with Joe Biden had been in December, led, video recordings of which appeared on Saturday in the Internet. Biden criticized, among other things, the Offensive of the Turkey against the Kurds and said that it was necessary to strengthen the enemies of the Turkish leader, “in order to call Erdogan out and defeat him. Not by a coup, but through elections.” Biden described Erdogan as “autocrats”. The written version of the interview had aroused in December, not a great deal of attention in Turkey.

After the release of the Videos Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin criticized now, Biden’s view of Turkey based on “pure ignorance, arrogance and hypocrisy”. “The times in which Turkey could be commanded, are over”. Who attempts to “will pay the price”.

Turkish Opposition distancing itself from the Biden-looking statements

For the Turkish Opposition, the Emergence of the video comes at an inconvenient time. Erdogan accused his opponents on a regular basis to be funded from abroad. Several representatives of the main opposition party, the CHP distanced themselves on the weekend of Biden’s Remarks and called for “respect for the sovereignty of Turkey”.

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The relations of the United States to Turkey could deteriorate in the case of an electoral victory in polls leading Biden in November. Erdogan had tried in the past few years, a personal connection to US President Donald Trump to build and its predecessor, Barack Obama criticized many times.

Biden is Obama’s Vice was. Especially in Obama’s second term of office until 2016, the relations between the two Nato were tense-partner countries, due to different interests in the conflict in Syria and the approach of Erdogan against freedom of expression in his country.

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iab /AFP