Lifting of travel warning for the EU countries from 15. June

The Federal Cabinet decided on Wednesday, the current global travel warning from the 15. June for most of the European States to repeal. To apply for the EU member States, other member States of the Schengen agreement, as well as for the UK, as foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) told then. However, this does not automatically mean that tourist travel in the countries referred to are in all cases possible.

are opened After some three months with strict Corona-restrictions on the country’s borders, meanwhile, is already back for holiday makers. The freedom to travel is valid for Wednesday for the people from the other 26 EU countries, as well as other countries such as the UK, Norway and Switzerland. A Virus-quarantine of two weeks is no longer required. In addition, the Italians allowed themselves unrestricted between the 20 regions, to and fro.

Leaving the Region was long severely restricted have been. So far, the scent, for example, people from Rome to only exceptionally, in Tuscany. You had to have a written self-Declaration of their major reasons the Council of Europe. Also, foreigners were allowed during the Corona-Lock only with a good reason to travel, for example, because of work. imago images/North photo Coronavirus: border controls in Vorarlberg in Bregenz.

The new relaxations had been expected by many of the 60 million citizens eagerly. You may now visit relatives and friends living further away. Some politicians and experts, however, expressed concerns that there could be thus more infections.

The Problem for all the tourists from outside The border to Austria remains closed. So if you want to Italy, you need a pass for the Alpine Republic – or one of the rare flights. And also, the Austrian government hopes to welcome as from the middle of June, many German guests in the country. Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger showed on Wednesday in an interview with the Bayerischer Rundfunk confident that the German Federal government’s cancellation due to the Corona pandemic imposed a travel warning for Austria in mid-June. The conversations between Berlin and Vienna were very constructive. “Accordingly, we are of course pleased that the borders can open it again from 15. June and we can also welcome back our German friends.”

Austria has agreed with Germany and Switzerland, a complete opening of the border from mid-June. The German authorities in the Alpine Republic the most important group among the tourists. Experts believe that up to two-thirds of the Austrian accommodation establishments could not cope with the Absence of German tourists.

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