FOCUS Online Mrs Merk, the Coronavirus is forcing us humans to keep a distance – not so easy when you live in a larger city. How the crisis changed life in the cities?

Elisabeth Merk: I find it almost resulted in a boost of new urbanity – of course always with enough distance. The people pushing it even more to the outside. Many activities are shifting because of the crisis in the public space, when people, for example, order your lunch or your evening drink To-Go and then with friends in the Outdoor meet.

That the people meet in such a way on a other kind in the public space, I see as a positive aspect of the crisis. I think this is a development we must take into account in our short-term urban developments.

catering: “We know, of course, to the precarious situation of the hosts”

FOCUS Online : How could such planning in specific terms?

Merk: We need to look closely where we places different can use. The concerns from my point of view, two areas of particularly acute. Again, the gastronomy and the consumption of free space. In the case of catering, it is so that both Indoor and outdoor areas due to the new Hygiene measures are simply too tight.

We know, of course, to the precarious situation of the hosts. That is why we are looking again generously where there can also be space along the streets for the restaurateurs and their guests. To do this, for example we had a project last year where we have a few Parking spaces into small green havens turns. This concept could be applied, of course, for restaurateurs, to name just one example.

FOCUS Online you languages, of consumer-free spaces. What do you mean exactly?

cities to Corona: Green oases instead of Parking

Merk: It is important that we establish additional places of encounter in the Outdoors. That will go in the cities, but only if we redesign spaces and use them more efficiently. The green oases on each of the Parking spaces would be an example, but there are also very mundane things. Where can I create for example, new Seating areas, which invite you to linger?

another prominent example is in Munich, the Theresienwiese, on the normally, the Oktoberfest would take place. Here is a type of open space furniture would be conceivable. Which brings me to another point: the large surface Parking lots.

We have already developed some time ago, concepts of how to convert, for example, Parking lots of supermarkets at the weekend, temporary, with relatively simple means a free area for the respective city district. In the corona crisis, such ideas are more relevant than ever. Tobias Haase Parking areas of supermarkets may be open on Sundays and public holidays turn into free areas for the respective city district

FOCUS Online Also, our daily work changes by Corona. Many people will work in the future from the Home Office. What are the implications of this Trend for urban housing?

Merk: A concept that we track in our housing co-operatives, the creation of community spaces that are flexible in use. So far, we have seen that, especially under the aspect of leisure, but it would certainly make sense, on common work spaces to think in such residential complexes. In particular, systems such as the use of public transport could, of course, greatly relieve.

“corona crisis is a Chance for the traffic

FOCUS Online turn” speak to the public TRANSPORT. Here, too, the crisis has a major influence on the behavior of the city residents. The a to rise more on the Bicycle, the other sat in the car. The corona crisis for cities is a Chance, the long-desired shift in Traffic now rapidly advance?

Merk: For me, it represents actually a very big opportunity, through the redistribution of public space in the area of mobility, rapid thinking and decision-making. There are clear lines of conflict between cars, bike and pedestrians. We must, I think, don’t sugarcoat. The space is simply scarce in the cities.

but I think it is useful, first temporarily and, subsequently, sustainable land within the meaning of Cycling to re-allocate. Berlin’s bike paths, with its “Pop-Up” that have sprung up there in a relatively short period of time, a very good example of this. Even we in Munich are currently working on a concept to create additional temporary cycle lanes. You must do this, however, is always with the appropriate sense of proportion, because it is only the individual, but also the logistics of transport not to take into account. If we create more space for cycle paths, we need to make sure that we cause no new problems.

FOCUS Online : What are the possibilities to bring the people strengthened on the wheel?

Merk: For me, screw the surface Parking spaces for cars is an important control. Here in Munich it is so, that many car parks outside of the week and the Christmas season are hardly fully utilized.

Therefore, it would be an Option to reduce surface Parking to create more space for Cycling and walking. That would work in this case, because the capacity in the car parks are still busy. From city to city varies, of course, but I think the corona of a crisis is a good occasion to become more aware of such issues and ideas to deal. In the PCP In the