Mouth guards, the minimum distance and contact constraints could belong to many Thuringian of the past: According to the will of the Prime Minister, Ramelow, the General restrictions to end in early June.

Erfurt (dpa) – Thuringia wants to end the beginning of June, the General Corona-restrictions. Thus, the country-wide rules would no longer apply to the minimum intervals, the Wearing mouth-nose protection, as well as contact restrictions.

“6. June, I would like to cancel the General Lockdown, and by a package of measures to replace the local appropriations in the foreground,” said Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left) the Newspapers of the media group Thüringen. On his website he declared: “The Motto should be: “Of – to Offered, state compulsion to self-verantwortetem moderation.””

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Minister presidents of the Länder had agreed at the beginning of may, the basic contact restrictions for the citizens in the public space up to 5. To extend June. After that, should be gone to the information in Thuringia, also for schools and kindergartens further steps towards a regular operation.

The Details for the free state to advise a government spokesperson, according to a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday. In the place of country wide specifications would then occur only by local measures, if in a Region of a certain infection rate is exceeded. A limit of 35 new HIV infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week of the interview. The value will be paid after the last of the state Chancellery published Infection only in the district of Sonneberg exceeded. According to the plans of the country crisis management team should be dissolved, and by an alarm system is replaced, the Ministry of health takes over the control.

A similar approach in Thuringia, with a view to regions with a particularly high rate of infection: this hotel Is situated in a district or an urban district above the value of 50, must take the local authorities to take action to curb the pandemic, over and above the requirements of the country. The had been taken by the districts Greiz and Sonneberg. The district administrator’s offices have had to take under the control of the Ministry of health, a stricter restriction of concepts.

Thuringia SPD Leader Matthias Hey was not trying to dampen the expectations, and said with a glance at the Plan of the country: “It is so, that we are now the Sweden of Germany.” Sweden has responded with a much more liberal measures than the Rest of Europe on the Corona-crisis: schools, Restaurants, and shops are remained, for example, consistently open in the Scandinavian EU country. The Swedes but just as Germany and other countries, the spread of the Coronavirus to slow down.

According to Figures from the Erfurt state Chancellery, the infection rate of the country was last at 5.8 infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. In total have been infected in Thuringia so far, proven to more than 2800 people with the Coronavirus, 151 have died of or with such an infection. The number of the now-recovering patients is estimated to be more than 2400.

reactions from other States on the plans of Thuringia on Saturday, there was initially only sporadically. A spokesman for the state government of Baden-Württemberg, said: “The countries are very differently affected by the Virus, which results in the certain extent also to the different handling of the measures.” Plans, such as in Thuringia, were currently available for Baden-Württemberg is not a consideration. “We relax the measures steadily, but step by step and with prudence,” said the spokesman of the German press Agency.

For Hessen, a government spokesman said the country wanted to remain with the existing rules. “We do not comment on every proposal.” Also the state Chancellery in Munich, wanted to make a comment. From Hamburg, it was said, the Senate is examining further steps for the lifting of contact restrictions. He would be but in its strategy to reduce specific infection risks due to the requirements to Hygiene and minimum intervals. For Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a government spokesman said: “We have set up a 5-step Plan for easing the Corona-protection measures. The Plan we discussed just last weekend with the local authorities, the business community, the trade unions and the social organisations in detail and jointly clarified. This MV-Plan, we continue to hold.”

Thuringia’s CDU faction chief Mario Voigt called on the state government, announcing the end of the Corona-restrictions swiftly and clearly to implement. “The people want normalcy and responsibility fully,” he said of the dpa. However, the country must create in this step to provide clarity for municipalities. She had not been in the past, often the case. As an example, he pointed to Corona locker-for kindergartens, which would have to contend with “life is strange pads” to. The announcement should be swiftly implemented so that the municipalities would have enough time for preparation.

Thuringian Corona-regulation