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Lone pairs of lounging widely scattered on the lawn in the warm June sun, tourists in small groups to shake their heads at the sight of the castle facade and the jubilee column, like a tennis match back and forth. Of anarchists far and wide no trace: Peaceful, it could go on the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart hardly.

Stuttgart-based riot new Dimension of protests?

this place had clenched in on Sunday night, a wild Mob together. A Mob that moved with the unprecedented destruction plundering and beating by the baden-württemberg state capital, and with Kung-Fu-jumps after police officers entered. The police missed this amount of the name of “the Party and event scene”. However, this designation provides for criticism and seems to be the facts not just.

Clearly, two things are at the present time. Firstly, The escalation of the weekend which started after a policeman in the city centre, controlled close to the castle square, a 17-Year-old because of drugs. Secondly, The Mob consisted of a motley crowd of Germans, Germans with a migrant background and foreigners.

hosts by riots doubly difficult

punished for An exclusive view of the action on the Palace square, to the now all of Germany is watching, have for years, the operators of “Carls Brauhaus”, which completes the North line of the square. Not even 30 meters from the entrance of the restaurant with the large terrace area, a 16, a stepped-Year-old on the night of Sunday, apparently, was so brutally against a Person laying on the ground that the prosecution against the Minors now because of attempted manslaughter to be determined.

“We have had good luck, even though only this small road from the Park and separates,” says Harald Huber, co-owner of the brewery, and shows areas in front of the entrance direction of the lawn. “Good luck, because the police is gone with your car in position.” However, by Corona, the restaurant is punished enough already, Huber gets due to the distance rules Locally, currently only half full. “After the riots on the last weekend it is now but still difficult. I would not go without this terrible wreck with the orgies of Beatings with my girlfriend at the weekend after 22 PM on the king’s road. And if this is a Problem for me, what then to think of our guests?“

Ulf Lüdeke / FOCUS Online From the terrace of the “Carls Brauhaus” is overlooking a large part of the castle Park in the heart of Stuttgart. On the benches the brutal attack of a 16-Year-old, who joined with his foot against the head of a downed student found.

“high school students that the bulb slam with iced tea and cheap vodka,”

The Problem with the “Party and event scene” at the castle square and the adjacent distance sea, it would be “for years”, says personnel Manager Carina Kammerer. A phenomenon that mainly on the week’s focus, the nights on Saturday and Sunday. “If the weather is good and warm, then on the lawn, not a single place, more space.”

A change in the composition of the audience and their origin, about which much is speculated, have so far neither Kammerer, yet Huber’s notice. “That was mix-up of colorful, German, foreigners, the socially vulnerable and also high school students, young people from good homes, the slam with iced tea and cheap vodka, the pear,” said Huber. And of course, buy anything in the Restaurant, but still, there is always Stress, if you are drunk and aggressive, and try to use the toilets when “Carl”. “The only public toilets there are on the U-Bahn Station, and it is not for hundreds of Drunks”, is angry with the host over the city. “Many of them are nothing more than idiots who drink themselves to your mind,” the 48-Year-old.

New to the riots last weekend, only the young people, which is disguised with black balaclavas on their faces were from his point of view. “I have not seen here on the castle square on the weekend so far,“ says the brewery’s host. Whether behind members of the extreme left-wing scene to hide, is still unclear. The looting is also a lot of foreigners and Germans with a migrant background were, is a fact. But in a city like Stuttgart, in which every Fourth has a foreign passport, it seems this is simply the population average of reflect.

“Better hope that nothing happens as a knife between the Ribs”

Hubers, personnel Director, says: “It happened to me again and again that in the evening, Make stagger from the Palace square in, I would get in from your Outer never pure. But I do it sometimes, because some really do look so dangerous that I tell myself. ‘Better a fool for a minute, and hope that nothing happens as a knife between the Ribs.'”

Also Stanis Christos, the owner and operator of the “Long bar” at the rotebuehlplatz, moans about this clientele. His Bar is located a stone’s throw from the king street station, most of the guests are between 18 and 35. “I just relaxed and quiet guests come in. People, which love to go in Clubs and act normal, so the real party scene and not this hyped-up Event-types”. And someone from this group end up at his Bar, it goes quickly: “Who does not respect the rules, the my bouncer that is very reliable and strong in the fresh air.”

“Trivialising”: Growing displeasure with the term “a Party and event scene”

Colyn Heinze is a member of the “Club-a collective of Stuttgart”, the Association of Clubs and event organizers. He rejects the designation “Party and event scene” for the anarchists. The not used”, because you know how to describe these people otherwise,” said Heinze of the “Tagesschau”. It had nothing to do with Clubs or Bars, but there were partying people, which are here drawn in the center.

This mobile Ceremony audience have changed in recent times drastically. A reason Heinze sees in the Corona of the restrictions for Clubs and Bars. “It certainly plays a role, that in fact, just the Clubs, because then it would surely have been some people in the club and would have stayed there.”

Tübingen armed Jolly green mayor Boris Palmer finds the term also “unhappy”. “At the party scene‘ I am in a good mood, friendly people and a pleasant summer night. The term seems belittling,“ he said of the “image”. And Baden-württemberg’s Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl calls this “Party scene” simply as “a militant Mob”.

restaurateurs disappointed with checked prevention project

Additional measures, such as localised Alokohlverbote, could reduce the danger of excesses may, would shift the problem but may just be in a different place. And an earlier curfew would not only meet the already hard-pressed restaurateurs hard. You would also have no effect, since the bring free air-Feierer your alcohol anyway.

Much more promising than drastic quick-fix actions should be prevention projects, which are accompanied by efahrenen social workers. The Curious thing is: the Stuttgart city centre in 2012 malmodell project for the prevention of street violence, alcohol and drug use, which has even been praised nationwide. A lot of strange given the recent events, however, that this project was rejected for reasons from the city’s savings. And this despite the fact that all the Involved such as the police, Caritas, drug counselling centre, and Evangelical society (EVA) problems in the city centre, had warned.

“need for a prevention project will rise again”

“We had not anticipated the level of acceptance for this pilot project. Because, in contrast to the other parts of the city of Stuttgart, the young people who meet at castle Park to celebrate life, usually not here, and can be managed even harder, “ said Hans-jürgen Mauch, EVA-Director of Mobile youth work to FOCUS Online. In addition, the street workers had expected to encounter a low level of acceptance among the adolescents.

It seemed difficult to interest young people meet in the open air to celebrate and Drink, for discussions about problems in their lives, where many come with alcohol to the castle Park, to forget exactly that. “However, the acceptance has, however, blew us away,” said Mauch. At the end of the continuation of failed this project, the guarantee of success only in the case of a continuous work over the years, at the end of 2013 at just under 200,000 euros, reported the newspaper “Stuttgarter Zeitung”.

the brewery-the owner of Huber can’t understand why this project was abandoned. “It’s like a break-in. Before you is too cheap to invest in security. But then, when the time was broke, you can’t have the alarm quickly enough.” Something similar could now see, the parties in the Stuttgart town hall. Huber: “The interest in a new edition of the prevention project should in any case be in accordance with the Chaoa from the weekend increased significantly.”

eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night FOCUS Online eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degrees to be cracked PCP cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degree of be cracked