The proposal that Leon leave Castile and León, and in accordance with a region in the margin next to Zamora and Salamanca continues to move forward. Three town Councils of león have voted Saturday in favour of the measure, a project presented by the Union del Pueblo Leonés (UPL) in the Consistory of the city and that received the support of PSOE and we Can. The votes against the Citizens and the PP have not been repeated in Cabrillanes, Crémenes and Matadeón of the Oteros, where the councillors popular (Cs does not have representation in these municipalities) have supported the initiative of UPL. The socialist party has opposed the motion in Cabrillanes and abstained in Crémenes.

Luis Mariano Santos, secretary general of the formation of regionalism, has expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the votes in these municipalities. The course of events follows the plan of UPL, which calls for the greatest possible number of localities will join in the initiative to make strong a movement that has made grown in the last few months. “The day 30 will be presented in Santa María del Páramo, a City capital of region and is one of the ten largest Lion and that we govern with an absolute majority, so, too, will get” stressed Santos, who ensures that the proposed UPL will always be performed “within the limits of the Constitution and the Law”.

The statutes of UPL reject the structure of Castilla y León is defined in the autonomic statutes approved in 1983, the Lion has traditionally been the opposite. Oscar Puente, mayor of Valladolid and spokesman of the PSOE Federal Committee, said Friday that Ferraz, national headquarters of the socialists in Madrid, did not sit well with the news. Also, Bridge chose to “bite their tongue” when asked his opinion. The regidor de Leon, Jose Antonio Diez, defended this initiative and signed a new chapter of their disagreements with Bridge, in spite of belonging to the same party.

The PSOE of Castilla and león and published on Friday a statement in which he expressed his rejection to the motion passed in the city Council of León, with the vote in favour of the municipal socialist group. “The PSOE respects and is aware of the feeling that exists in a part of the society in león since the inception of Democracy. Feeling that has been exacerbated by successive governments of the Board that, during 30 years, have increased the imbalances between the territories and the sense of grievance among the same”, as stated in the text, adds: “the position of The PSOE is clear in this sense: respect for the Autonomy Status and shielding of the autonomous communities in the Spanish Constitution as it appeared in the election programmes with which the PSOE has won each and every one of the electoral processes this year in the province of león”.

The number 2 PP in Valladolid, José Antonio de Santiago-Juárez, generated tension in the Community when in September it raised the city of the Pisuerga was the official capital of the region, which is not recognised as such a capital, while Valladolid meets most of the regional institutions.