meter-long snakes. Children, young women and older men are standing in the blazing sun. They all came on Tuesday at the Carl-Miele-berufskolleg in Gütersloh, in order to let the Coronavirus test. “The Lockdown is the Super-Gau”, says Thorsten Reinert.

The 50-year-old stands with his nine-year-old son in a queue. “We’re going on Friday to the Baltic sea in the holiday and want to have a negative Test in Hand, if we are otherwise not supposed to be.” He had booked the holiday two weeks ago, when the children were allowed to go back to school. Because he was still assumed that the holidays would be no Problem.

“Mr Laschet has prompted”

Gudrun Kreuter is already waiting for about two hours on the Test. “Mr Laschet has prompted to take the test, so I’ll do it. In addition, I belong to the risk group“, the Gütersloherin. You have also fear of their grandchild. This visits you twice a week.

the Tests of the cash-in-Westphalia Organised by the medical Association-Lippe (KVWL). “We had expected 400 to 600 people, now there are probably a lot more,” says doctor Hendrik Oen of the KVWL. “In the long queues, the need for and the uncertainty is huge.” Four Doctors and eleven other employees are currently in use. Around 100 people could be tested per hour. “In consultation with the laboratory, the results should be available 24 hours later via an App available,” said the doctor. Guido Kirchner/dpa A doctor performs on a man in Gütersloh, Germany, a Coronavirus Test

had Back announced in the March

NRW Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), in a press conference on Tuesday morning, a regional Lockdown for the district of Gütersloh. Starting this Wednesday should be banned in the circle again sports in closed areas, and numerous cultural events. Fitness studios are also closed, such as cinemas and Bars. In addition, the contact restrictions in March to apply again. Schools and day-care centres had already been closed.

in The afternoon, it hits surprisingly, the district of Warendorf. Laschet had indicated in the Morning that the Lockdown was coming there only for individual towns and villages, health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) hours later, a clear edge: The complete circle falls under the same rules as the district of Gütersloh.

horror and anger were in the village of

is There horror at the action and also anger. “We want to travel in the summer holiday in the lüneburg Heath. Now I don’t know if this will work,“ says Farina Jording. The teacher from Rheda-Wiedenbrück has planned the holiday with two small children a year ago. “I’m angry and frustrated that because of Tönnies everything device begins to falter.” The circumstances of the factory workers had been known for a long time.

a lawyer, Kai Drees from Steinhagen cares about his summer vacation: “We have the need for a spring holiday to rebook because we were supposed to fly,” says the 52-Year-old. “Now it should go with the car to Norderney, but we have heard from people who were no longer allowed to go there, because they come from the district of Gütersloh.” Bavaria adopted, meanwhile, is a accommodation ban for tourists who come from the most affected districts.

The Lockdown in the districts of Gütersloh and were field first up to 30. June. Until then, should show whether the infections from the Tönnies factory are spread to the population at large. In the case of Non-employees of Tönnies, in the district of Gütersloh, you’ve counted so far, only 24 Infected, said Laschet on Tuesday. However, that was before hundreds of test left.

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