the recent judgment of The case of Miguel, the largest corruption scheme linked to excargos of the PNV, has crushed the relations between the parties basques. The PP, which considers the public apology requested by the PNV, has demanded the resignation of the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and has been suggested to the PSE-EE in raising a censure motion. EH Bildu has announced a battery of parliamentary initiatives because “nobody believes”, he says, that the dome of the PNV did not know the irregularities of the man who was his number two in Álava.


The charges of corruption, the PNV seek a covenant with the office of the Prosecutor of the province of Álava Trial for the biggest case of corruption in the Basque country Excargos of the PNV ask for the annulment in the largest trial for corruption in the Basque country

The differences between the PNV and EH Bildu surfaced for the first time in the Paper of Self-government (both agreed on the foundations of the new Statute basque but the PNV is unchecked then drift pro-sovereignty) and expanded during the negotiation of budgets, in which, in addition, Elkarrekin We substituted the PP as a support to overcome the minority parliamentary Government formed by PNV and PSE-EE. These differences between the parties basques are doing now insurmountable after made public the judgement of the case Of Miguel.

The failure conviction to 13 years and three months in prison to Alfredo de Miguel, former number two of the PNV in the province of Álava and main accused of directing a plot of the collection of kickbacks, and between six and seven and a half years to his two main collaborators, all of them excargos internal party, Andoni Ortuzar, and with public responsibilities.

The sentence has broken down the few bridges that remained between the parties. In the absence of a semester for which the Basque country has been immerse in the campaign for the regional elections —the elections will be in June or in October—, the corruption is already also on the policy agenda basque. In a community in which the main axis of confrontation revolved around nationalism and in the arising of the five decades of ETA violence, the corruption has crept into the debate. Although the ruling concludes that the defendants acted for “personal enrichment” and not of the party, EH Bildu and the PP believe insufficient self-criticism of the PNV by some events that occurred between the years 2005 and 2009.

Request for resignation

The escalation of verbal between the parties grows almost daily. The PP Alfonso Alonso has demanded the resignation of the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, the president of the party during those years. In addition, has requested the PSE to lead a motion of censure, as did Pedro Sánchez in Madrid against Mariano Rajoy following the verdict of the case Gürtel. On that occasion, the National court itself acknowledged that the PP had been financed with a b-box.

The demands of a censure motion or the request of resignation does not have any semblance of being effective, or having consequences in the political scenario nationally, where the PNV is relevant to a possible investiture of Sanchez and for governance.

The PNV and the president do face a hard end-of-legislature, especially in the basque Parliament. The possibility that the opposition will embark on an offensive parliamentary questions in the plenary control, or initiatives to criticize her performance, and returning to the request of a public Prosecutor specializing in corruption, you can open up a gap in the credibility of the basque nationalists.
as Well as the PSE-EE and Elkarrekin we Can, with statements critical but measures have been dissociated from the corruption of the party of Ortuzar, the coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has contributed to the escalation of verbal to broaden the spectrum of cases of corruption. “In the Basque country there is also corruption in health” and in some Municipalities, “and they take it raw”, he criticized the leading pro-sovereignty.

In a direct indictment to Urkullu, the coalition nationalist argues that “nobody believes” that the dome of the PNV were not aware of what was baked in Alava, the province in which the head of the network, Alfredo de Miguel, acted unlawfully from the party and from the Provincial council, he occupied an executive position.

Aware that the judgment is going to be the main obstacle to continue growing after two legislatures and that is a real torpedo in the waterline of your credibility, the PNV has also raised the tone, from your initial request for forgiveness to enter the body body. “That EH Bildu is not put on the president of the tribunal inquisitorial because, if here there has been corruption, it is the tax revolutionary, which has benefited from active and passively. Lessons from them, not”, launched Ortuzar. “I don’t want to enter in the ‘and you more’, but I pray earnestly in the statements,” he claimed with little success as the leader of the PNV.

The last decision of the court of leave to convicts in freedom until the Supreme court resolves the resources, will keep alive the flame of the case. With all of them on the street, the wick is still on for the opposition parties, who see in the sentence to be a gold mine to wear to the party Ortuzar.