When Plenel liked the font

Edwy Plenel (pictured) has not always had a horror of the French police and the ministers of the Interior. And behind every police officer, he was not a descendant of those compromised in the raid of Vél’Hiv (Twitter, 2 August). Under Mitterrand, Plenel, then a journalist with the World, was very close to Bernard Deleplace, secretary-general of the autonomous Federation of police unions, with whom he played and sometimes the role of super adviser. In his memoires posthumes ( Memoirs impubliables, Albin Michel), Pierre Péan and evokes the special relationship of Plenel, with an ex-member of the cabin…

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Topic directed by Fabien Roland-Lévy and Michel Revol

karine Pierre/Hans Lucas/AFP – Olivier Lejeune/THE PARISIEN/MAXPPP – ROMAIN GAILLARD/REA

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