it Originated as part of a village beautification measure, as pastor Daniel Göller said on Thursday. He sees the Form of the fountain with a sense of humour: “You do not need to dramatize,” says Göller. In Corona, it is nice if it give you something to laugh at.

“issue” should have been previously noticed

“The Form is before anybody noticed,” the pastor continued. It was only when the fences were gone, had become the full extent of the fountain can be seen. “I thought ‘So, my dear Mr. singing club… Is that now that I live so long in celibacy?’, the priest tells him. To see the two large stone semi-balls, in between a water-filled, elongated shaft.

it had, in any case, both for the construction of a responsible person from the municipality as well as citizens in the ongoing planning process to see what “Problem” there is in prospect. The plans of an architect-designed fountain would have been hanged and had also been at public meetings addressed, everything was absolutely gone transparent, says Göller.

more and more onlookers, the building be on the increase since then in the eye. First, the “Hessenschau had reported” about it. Eyewitness video of Explosion in Beirut, from different angles, FOCUS Online/Wochit eye witness Videos show Explosion in Beirut from different angles
