The Parliament has passed this night in a Full extraordinary a resolution driven by the three pro-independence groups in calling them “coup attempt,” the decision of the Central Electoral Board to disqualify the president of the Generalitat Quim Torra. The text, which calls for recognition of the immunity of Oriol Junqueras and bog down the euro-orders against the expresident Carles Puigdemont, and the exconsejero Toni Comín, has received 67 votes in favour, 21 against and seven abstentions. The three groups, which have defended the self-determination, have voted against the text of the socialists, who proposed to appeal against the decision of the national electoral commission to the Supreme Court. Citizens has not participated in the voting.


The Parliament calls for a full “opt-out” the removal of Torra The decision of the Electoral Board: a vote only favors the removal of Torra Esquerra reinforces its strategy of negotiations without ruling out a referendum is not agreed

The deputies of Catalonia in Common-Can only have been voted in favor of the first point of the resolution of independence -has thrived 74 votes in favour and 21 against – that rejects the decision of disable to Torra. The rest abstained. In fact, independentistas, nationalists and the socialists have only voted together in a point, the ninth of the proposal of resolution of the commons, which said that any decision on the presidency of the Generalitat should be done “with a scrupulous observance of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia and of the Parliament of Catalonia”.

The session has reflected the enormous distance yet between the pro-independence and the PSC. Marta Vilalta, deputy of CKD, has recriminat the socialists, who have submitted a text that seems to be “imagined by a notary. It has limited to establishing a regulatory framework”. The republican recalled that during the debate Miquel Iceta had wanted to defend the Catalan government but that such a defense then does not appear when you try to spell it out in black and white. “It is insufficient”, he said. The PSC has voted against the text of the independence movement. “You will not see our space in these outrages,” said the socialist Eva Granados. The text of the PSC has only received 17 votes for all seven of the common.

Dozens of mayors come to the Parliament to support the ‘president’

Dozens of mayors, with the rod in hand, have gone this afternoon to the Parliament to attend the plenary extraordinary. The Camera has enabled an adjacent room, with a giant screen to follow the session. In addition to the first selectmen, among the public are also former presidents of the Parliament, Núria de Gispert, and Joan Rigol; the former president of the Generalitat Artur Mas or exconsejeras as Irene Rigau. About 500 people have concentrated before the building of the Parliament after they opened the doors of the Parc de la Ciutadella and the leave pass.

The Chamber has celebrated this afternoon with a Full extraordinary at the request of Quim Torra so that the floor will support, and in addition to that, socialists and common give samples of good-will of the dialog that you want to begin with Catalonia. “This morning we have listened to Pedro Sánchez that it was time to leave behind the judicialization of the conflict with Catalonia. Magnificent. This plenary is a test”, said the president. The leader of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, has criticized the timing chosen to hold a full extraordinary. “The cotton test is to defend the institutions, not to speak of self-determination or other legitimate issues. The JEC should have been inhibited,” said Iceta.

For the Round, the national electoral commission is “one of the organs most repressors of the Spanish State”. “Act the part and usurp functions”, added the president, who believes that after the decision of the electoral authority, there is “a coup to the institutions of this country.” The leader of Citizens, Lorena Roldán, has referred to the Round as “former president” and has criticized the socialists for “giving wings to independence”.

The resolution of independence, which consists of six points, part of the premise that the national electoral commission is an administrative body election that is intended to “disable” a Torra “in contravention of the will of the Catalan people”. After recognizing the condition of Torra deputy, the text stresses that the only framework possible is the Law of the Presidency of 2008 and the Regulations of the Parliament. “The Parliament reiterates that its regulation is the only one that can alter its composition,” read the text.

The text continues to show their solidarity with the meps, Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras and Toni Comín, demanding his freedom and calling for the withdrawal of the orders of imprisonment against the expresident and the exconsejero. The proposal to demand the end of “repression,” and denounces the “existence of a general cause against the pro-independence”. The seventh and last point calls for the “end of repression, the recognition of the right to self-determination of the people of Catalonia, the amnesty of prisoners and the free return of exiles and the full guarantee in the exercise and defense of civil and political rights of the citizens of Catalonia and the need to promote a national agreement to defend them”.

Pere Aragonès, vice-president of the Government and the general coordinator of Esquerra, had asked the socialists to sign the text. Finally, the PSC has promoted a document in which slides in an indirect way that the national electoral commission lacks the powers to impeach the president. In a text of three points, the socialists “prove” that the causes of termination are provided for in the Estatut, the Law of the Presidency and in the Rules of the House and that there is “still firm” the judgment of the Superior Court of Justice against Torra and may be further appealed to the Supreme Court. The socialists have recalled that during the hearings of the presidents of the Generalitat are not allowed vote, but have chosen to submit your own text to make it clear what their position is. The PSC already slipped this Friday in the social networks their serious doubts that the electoral body could remove the Round.

Citizens and the PP have been this afternoon alone in his claim that the Round leaves as the charge. Lorena Roldán, leader of Citizens, has qualified to the Round of expresident to the hold that is no longer even a member of parliament. “It came with some hope that the convening of elections,” he said. The mp has accused independence supporters of being the owners of Catalonia for 30 years and have allowed the ANC before the fall of the flag of the Palau of the Generalitat last Friday. “Did I go by myself to the Palau without anyone to tell me anything?” has said asking over the agony. The popular Alejandro Fernández has also seen similarities between the full of this Saturday and days 6 and 7 of September of 2017. “What a biblical curse we suffer with the presidents of the Generalitat! From Tarradellas no way”, he affirmed rating of “extreme gravity” of the decision of the PSC to question the national electoral commission.

In the antipodes, Jessica Albiach, leader of the commons, has described as “aberration” the decision of the national electoral commission, which has been considered an organ formed by the most reactionary sectors of the judiciary. “You have to vote yes to self-government and the inauguration of a progressive Government,” he said. Carles Riera, of the CUP, has been notified Torra who differ profoundly from the guidance of its policy, both from the prism pro-sovereignty as social policy. All in all, Riera has claimed that the Parliament ratifies to Torra and disobey the national electoral commission in addition to calling for the mobilization. “The self-determination is not negotiated”, he said.