The National court has been ordered to monitor the progress that each year, at the beginning of January, it calls for left-wing nationalists in support of ETA prisoners and that this 2020 is celebrated on the next day 11. José Luis Calama, magistrate of the magistrate’s court Central number 4, he has given a car to urge the Department of Interior of the basque Government and the security forces to “control” and “follow” the expression in if, during your development, is to “perform acts that could be constitutive of offences of glorification or justification of terrorist crimes; or discredit, contempt or humiliation of the victims or their families”. The judge rejects, for its part, prohibit the protest in a preventative manner, as had been requested by an association of victims of terrorism.

This call meets every January thousands of people -70.000 the past year, according to the Municipal Police—, that march through the centre of Bilbao in defense of the end of the dispersal prisons of the prisoners of ETA, and his approach to prisons in basque. In 2018, they did so after the motto “Orain presoak” [“Now the prisoners”]. In a quote that was added to the staff of the abertzale left (including Arnaldo Otegi), and representatives of We the Basque country (Andeka Larrea And Pili Zabala), CKD (Joan Tardà), the CUP (Natalia Sanchez) and the trade unions LAB, ALS and CC OO. The rest of the formations refused to take part.

“The goal of this concentration is none other than to exalt those who have been convicted for belonging to or collaborating with ETA, or by the realization of terrorist actions which have caused a large number of killed and wounded along the bloody criminal history of the band, what constitutes an act of glorification and justification public from terrorism, with the contempt and humiliation to the victims and their families that this type of crime generated”, report, change, the Partnership Platform for the Support of Victims of Terrorism (APAVT), linked to the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), which filed a brief late last year in the National court to apply its prohibition.


Interior resumes the approach of the prisoners, eta with the transfer of an officer arrested in 1992 The new subject on ETA, emphasizes that “nothing justifies the murder,”

The group argued also that the platform Sare, called for in the act, can be considered a continuation of the association Herrira, “on which weighs a prohibition of activities decreed by the Court of Instruction number 6 of the National court”, highlights the office of the Prosecutor. But the public ministry and Calama stress that on the link “does not offer any type of indication, beyond a similarity between the aims of one and the other association”, as recorded in the order of the magistrate, who has had access to THE COUNTRY.

in Addition, continues the instructor, there are no “substantial grounds” to restrict proactively to the fundamental right of meeting, especially protected by the Constitution and the jurisprudence of national and european. A decision also supported the office of the Prosecutor, which considers that the motion can only be considered, for the time being, as “acts covered in a patina of demands or policy”: “do Not count a priori, by the background of the organizers or the circumstances in similar cases, that is going to produce acts of another character, especially a criminal”. Yes, the judge Calama orders to security forces to monitor the concentration and, in the case of any alleged crimes, identify their perpetrators and to inform them of this.

According to the data of the Interior, 219 ETA prisoners remain currently in Spanish prisons. In the last year and a half, about 120 have submitted briefs on the law-abiding in order to improve their prison situation. Since the dissolution of ETA, victims ‘ associations focus their activity in denouncing the tributes to the terrorists who come out of prison.