The law of bioethics, which will allow access to medically assisted procreation for all women, was originally intended to pass in front of the parliamentarians for a final adoption before the summer. Finally, there will be nothing. Guest of LCI on Thursday 21 may and asked about this topic, the boss of the deputies of the majority, Gilles, The Son-in-law, said he hopes to ” adopt the least developed countries by the end of the quinquennium “, that is, may 2022.

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” Before the summer, it is impossible “, he advised, ” for a reason calendar : we no longer have a lot of time and we have important texts, closely linked to the economic situation of the emergency and health situation of emergency ; and also […] the chambers, the Senate and national Assembly, working with a reduced workforce to meet the health rules and to a law that is so important, that all political forces are not able to be present in the chamber, it poses a real problem “. Gilles, The Son-in-law wish, however, that ” in the last five years, […] we can go to the end of an act essential “.

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Argument “bogus”

A statement that has raised the hackles of several members of parliament, as the socialist deputy Hervé Saulignac who has indicated on Twitter that the LDCS and for all ” must be voted before the summer recess “. The socialist senator from Paris, Rémi Féraud, himself, indicated that it ” will have to find better than this argument can of Gilles, The Son-in-law to justify the abandonment of the law bioethics and the LDCS and for all.”

Read also LDCS for all : the debates that loom in the Senate

Even in the majority, as noted by the Huffpost, some have expressed their disagreement, as the member Damien Pichereau, who said on Twitter that he was against the postponement of the consideration of this law : “The law of bioethics should be adopted as soon as possible ! “The mp LREM Paris Anne-Christine Lang has, meanwhile, indicated that,” it is simply not conceivable that the law on the PMA for all is not adopted before the end of the quinquennium “.

writing will advise you

The battle secret of the LDCS