On the 25. May, the Afro-American George Floyd of four police officers in the U.S. state of Minnesota was held on the ground. The main suspect, Derek Chauvin pushed his knee about eight minutes in Floyd’s neck. Even after Floyd said several times that he would get no more air, do not let the police officers off of him. According to the autopsy, he lost consciousness and died.

Three police officers want to Chauvin complete debt in to the shoes

slide in March 2021, the process against Chauvin and the three other defendants Thomas Lane, Alexander Kueng and Thou Thao begins.

Chauvin is accused of, among other things, “murder in the second degree”. This corresponds approximately to a manslaughter in a particularly serious case. Aid is accused of in contrast, the other three former police officers Thao, Lane and Kueng. AFP Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane (v. l. n. r.)

it is Already known: The lawyers want to close the three defendants seem to together and all the blame on Derek Chauvin slide. This is the American “The Wall Street Journal reported”.

Kueng, and Lane worked to Chauvin together

The defendant Kueng filed already a document in which he committed not guilty. He had only defended himself, and explained the use of violence is appropriate. According to the “Wall Street Journal” want to Kueng (26) and Lane (37) draw attention to the fact that they have not yet worked for a long time under the command of Chauvin, who was by then already almost twenty years in the service. In the first Moment, you had run Chauvins instructions, but later, during the arrest the process.

The attorney of the 37-year-old Lane said at the hearing that his mandate had twice proposed to help Floyd, by turning him on his back. The daily newspaper “Star Tribune” reported, Lane said, according to his attorney Chauvin: “That you should not do.” Also Kueng is said to have expressed doubts about the actions of his boss during the arrest – Chauvin has not responded but apparently it.

in addition, want the lawyers with family Details with the judges points: Kuengs defender said at a hearing that Kueng without a father and with four adoptive siblings grew up. Kueng refers to himself as black and traveled with a relief organization to Haiti in order to provide there children medical. Kueng have applied according to his lawyer at the police station, because he wanted to improve the police work. In addition, he had helped its Transgender sisters already in the case of complaints against the police.

a lawyer by Thao has not commented so far

The lawyer for the 34-year-old Thou Thao declined to comment, according to the station “KSTP-TV” out of respect for Floyd’s family prior to the commencement of the testimony of his mandates.

George Floyd was arrested under suspicion of a counterfeit money offence by the police officers. His death sparked national and international protests against excessive police violence and racism. Floyd’s desperate words “I can demonstrators’t breathe” became the Slogan of the.

As a reaction to Floyd’s death and the protests, in the meantime, police were brought in reforms in several U.S. cities on the way. Also the US Congress legislative proposals for reforms in the police. Laschet comments Green-statement by Merz and quips then about the tie FOCUS Online Laschet comments Green-statement by Merz and quips then about the tie
