The State Secretariat for Migration has just officially announce the granting of a “special authorization of residence and work for Gorgui Laimine Sow, motivated by reasons of public interest”. Gorgui Laminate, a street seller from senegal 20 years ago, not thought about it for the past 6 of December, and when he heard cries asking for help, climbed up to the first floor of a house in Denia, where had been a fire, is introduced by the balcony and was saved from the flames to Alex Caudeli, with reduced mobility, carrying with it and out of the housing. Then, not having residence papers, he went away without saying anything. Three days later he was identified by the streets of the town of alicante.


Gorgui, the hero without papers you saved from the fire disabled The Spider-man without papers who is the new hero of France

“As recognition for this act of bravery and service to the community,” the secretary of State of immigration, Consuelo Rumí Ibáñez, with the collaboration of the Delegate of the Government of Valencia, Juan Carlos Fulgencio Weaver, “promoted the start of the dossier for granting of a special authorization of residence and work, which will allow Mr. Lamine, who is currently in Spain in an irregular situation from 2017, can get a job in Spain, to regularise their administrative situation and start a project of life in our country”, says the official note of the Government. The authorisation is granted under the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000, of 11 January, on rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration. The authorization is for one year, reviewable for two years, which can be renewed for two more exercises to the granting of the permit final for the fifth year.

This afternoon, Gorgui, who lives in Gandia, was in Xàbia trying to sell their necklaces and jewelry. “I’m very happy and I thank you for the permission and everything, but I lack housing and jobs. My wife, my daughter and I live in a shared room and you can not close the door and go very cold.” “Very good, they called me yesterday to tell me. but what I need is a job,” he says in a telephone conversation with this newspaper.

in that Moment Gorgui Lanine, a young senegalese saves Alex from the fire of his house. © Roberta Etter

Since it was identified and rewarded for their action by the city Council of Dénia, Gorgui Laminate is recognized by the street and receives a lot of congratulations also for the social networks. “I wonder if I have been given the nationality, and this is all very well, but my problem now is that I don’t have to pay for the room. There are No sales, there are very few people in the streets. What I would like is to be a truck driver but to get me the card I need for a deposit and a secure job”, he adds.

The Ministry of Justice, in addition, is requesting a dossier for the granting of the Spanish nationality by letter nature. Is granted by the Council of Ministers to consider that there are exceptional circumstances. The record is waiting to be completed with the required documentation requested to the country of origin of Gorgui, Senegal.

The case of Gorgui reminds the immigrant mali Mamoudou Gassama, although this escalated the past year several floors of a building in Paris to save the life of a child that was hung from a balcony. This received the French nationality and became part of the body of fire, as I wanted to, and came to meet with the president and Emmanuel Macron.

Yesterday, Alex Caudeli, the neighbour from Denia, saved, went back to call a senegalese, a father of a girl of seven months, to inquire about their situation. “He has saved my life. Climbed the wall, pulled the blind that was burning, because when I wanted to go out to the balcony with the tacatá me I hit her in the nose and in the ear and look like I have. I fucked her as if it were a sack of carob beans, and endured everything, because, in addition to not being able to walk, I have a problem in the legs, also suffer from vertigo, and I couldn’t sit still,” explained Alex, 39 years old, this newspaper three days after the rescue.