The first coalition Government of the recent democratic period is born weak and confronted with the problem of Catalonia, the crisis territorial complex in the history of Spain. PSOE and United we Can add up to 155 deputies in the Congress and will need the support of 21 other parliamentarians to approve the reforms that have been promised in the economic, judicial, social, and environmental.

His first challenge, and the more relevant to ensure a certain stability in the legislature, will be the Law of General Budgets of the State, linked to the tax reforms announced in the laws that regulate the taxation of the personal income TAX, corporate and VAT.

The rejection of the opposition to the bills drafted by the Executive socialist in 2019 caused the dissolution of the Cortes and the advancement of elections; the veto of the Budgets of 2020 is the first serious threat to the continuity of the coalition Government.


DIRECT Reactions to the investiture of Pedro Sanchez

The Spanish socialist workers party has agreed to the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, in addition to with United we Can, with parties of limited parliamentary representation, the more the PNV and ERC (in this case through the abstention of its 13 mps). Documents certifying these agreements do not include a commitment to vote in favour of Budgets. But some of the conditions agreed for the investiture should be reflected in the accounts if the coalition Government wants to keep hopes to take forward its project of law.

The legislature starts with a situation of instability consolidated, now pending in the negotiations of the coalition Government with different political actors and social in different tables of dialogue whose outcome will have an impact on its validity.

The future of Catalonia

Gabriel Ruffian, a spokesman of CKD, linked to the stability of the current Executive with a table of negotiation on the future of Catalonia, which should meet for the first time in two weeks.

The PSOE intended to conclude these talks between the central Government and the Generalitat with a reform of the Catalan Statute that enhances the self-government of that autonomous community. But the PP has already announced, even before knowing the content of the reforms, which will go to the Constitutional the new Statute if it is approved in the Catalan Parliament.

Esquerra will look at the negotiation table to get the authorization to hold a self-determination referendum in Catalonia, something that would require a constitutional reform for which the Government does not have the necessary votes in Congress.

Budgets and taxation

The Ministry of Finance shall prepare a Budget that expands spending, in part by the commitments of investments made with the parliamentary groups that have facilitated the inauguration of Sánchez, and that also increase incomes, through a series of tax reforms that would ensure a taxation minimum of 15% in corporate tax (up to 18% for financial institutions and companies of hydrocarbons), more a rise of two points in the personal income TAX for taxpayers with annual income in excess of 130,000 euros, and up to four points for those who exceed 300,000 euros. This affects 0.4% of the taxpayers.


The Executive of Pedro Sanchez aims to reform the pension system in the framework of the Toledo Pact to ensure the sustainability of the same. The annual expenditure on pensions exceeds from several years ago to the revenue. The plan of the coalition Government is to eliminate some expenses are inappropriate for the Social Security and to reduce the incentives for hiring. In addition, they plan to repeal the reforms, which was passed by the PP Government on the sustainability factor and the index of revaluation of the pensions, so as to ensure their annual increase similar to the rise in the CPI. On this aspect there is almost universal agreement in the Chamber.

labor Reform

By negotiation with the social partners (unions and employers), the Executive aims to tackle a series of measures that will in fact the repeal of many aspects, not all, of the labor reform approved in 2012 by the Executive of Mariano Rajoy. Among the challenges that have been marked PSOE and United we Can are the following:

– to Elaborate a new Statute of Workers.

– Prohibit by law the possibility of dismissal for absenteeism caused by illness.

– The collective agreements will be valid until the approval of a new.

– enterprise agreements will not have priority in its application on the sectoral agreements.

at the moment, there are no agreements or commitments concerning the elimination of the lowering of the dismissal that had been approved by the Governments of Zapatero (from 45 to 33 days per year worked) and Rajoy (from 33 to 20 days per year worked).

New organic laws (euthanasia, justice, universal)

Among the announcements of reforms to the coalition Government include the repeal of the law of citizen security, the regulation by law of euthanasia and the right to a dignified death, and a reform of the law of universal justice. On these three reforms, the coalition Government has, in principle, guaranteed enough votes.

Against the impunity of corruption

The claim of the Progressive Union of Prosecutors, to repeal article 324 of the Criminal procedure Act, which reduced the time of statement, is contained in the agreement of Government between the PSOE and United we Can as one of the leading measures to fight corruption and prevent these crimes go unpunished. Count with 176 votes necessary to pass such a measure does not seem to be a problem. Like to amend the Criminal Code to incorporate as a sexual assault that is now classified as sexual abuse.

the renewal of The Constitutional and the Judiciary

The new Government wants “to promote the agreements parliamentary consensus” that allow for the renewal of the organs constitutions, such as the General Council of the Judiciary or the Constitutional Court. The law establishes a three-fifths majority in the Congress and in the Senate to undertake these renovations. Without the concurrence of the Popular Party, the renewal of those organs is doomed to failure. The lock appears, in principle, the more likely option.

Elimination of aforamientos

The Executive promises to amend the Constitution to restrict the aforamientos politicians, “limiting them to the exercise of the function by the part of the public office”. That promesto match the one that did, at various times in the last political era in Spain, the Popular Party and the Citizens.

The law of climate change

In the electoral programmes of the parties with the greatest representation in the Parliament is established, with different time limits, a series of measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. PSOE and United we Can announce a law of climate change and energy transition to achieve, by 2050 generation of electricity whose source is 100% renewable; and between 85% and 95% by 2040.

education Reform

The repeal of the LOMCE, that the PP adopted without consensus during his stage of an absolute majority, is one of the promises of the coalition Government. Your new basic law of education, which needed 176 votes in favor, aims to eliminate school segregation by the conditions of origin of the students. As well, prohibit the grant of public funds to centers that segregate by sex. In addition, the subject of religion will be of a voluntary nature without an alternative subject and your note shall not be counted for purposes of academic.