Five of the agents charged by the charges to police in the referendum illegal of the 1-Or 2017 in Catalonia have asked the judge to cite as a researcher to the citizens who resisted the intervention of the security forces.

The counsel of the officers accused, Antonio Suárez-Valdés, has filed a brief with the Court of Instruction number 7 of Barcelona, which ensures that, in the case in which investigates the possible use of disproportionate violence to prevent the referendum, “consist data of people perfectly identified” that confronted the agents and offered active resistance to prevent to execute the court order banning the query. The lawyer believed that citizens could be co-authors, accomplices or collaborators of the crimes of sedition and disobedience by which the Supreme court condemned the leaders of the procés.

The lawyer of the police officers supported the request of the prosecutor that agreed to the non-provisional of the proceedings instituted in this court by the complaint of the government. Relying on the judgment of the Supreme, the prosecutor claims that, before the abandonment of the Mossos d’esquadra, the intervention of the National Body of Police was necessary, legitimate and proportional. In addition, it is not directed against the citizens were going to vote, but against those who maintained an attitude of “recalcitrant refusal” and “resistance, peaceful at times and in other violent”, following the call of the political independence.

out Of the 207 polling stations of the city of Barcelona, only seven attended to the requirements of the police and not opened their doors; while the Autonomous closed two centres and took away election materials, already completed voting, 43. The National Police intervened in 27. For every one of these recent has opened a separate piece.

Despite defending globally the police intervention, the office of the prosecutor supports “some of the excesses, committed by specific officials”, not “accommodated to the requirements of proportionality and necessity”. In particular, calls for the opening of oral proceedings to six police officers for minor offences of injury and abuse; as well as the initiation of a procedure abbreviated by injuries. Also, that is follow instructing the cause for the most serious fact: the launch of the rubber ball that left him one-eyed Roger English, accused in his turn of attack to the authority.