Talks are faltering – to 17.30 PM it will go further

15.53 PM: The negotiations on the EU’s economic program to tackle the Corona-crisis to make more extremely difficult. At the EU special summit in Brussels was postponed on Sunday for a 12 p.m. scheduled meeting of all 27 heads of state and government of the European Union for an indefinite period of time. You will not commence before 17.30 hrs, it was in the afternoon, from the Team of EU Council President Charles Michel. The pre-interviews lasted. It is first in a small round possible compromise would be tested lines.

Italy and Spain, the two worst of the pandemic-affected EU countries, according to diplomats it is willing to accept conditions, but in moderation. Above all, they want a rapid agreement and quick help. “We need to do tomorrow and do everything to bring in the interest of all at the end,” said Italy’s head of government, Giuseppe Conte. Europe would held to ransom by the fuel-efficient Four, he lamented, Italian media said. Francisco Seco/AP Pool/Reuters

In addition, there are a number of other tricky points. The negotiations on Saturday, wedged, according to the diplomats about the planned rule of law mechanism. Hungary and Poland refused, absolutely, to make the disbursement of the EU funds in the future to the observance of rule-of-law Standards. Are subject to dispute in addition to the rebates for net contributors to the EU budget.

on the Sunday afternoon – as the negotiations are not completed yet – is clear: as heavy as Merkel and her ally, the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, the have presented, it will not come. All the time was a volume of 750 billion euros on the table – but the original from Merkel and Macron scheduled grant is part of the 500 billion Euro has been getting smaller and smaller. The only bit that is asserted, no one had expected it to stick to the original proposal.

Merkel sets the “Thrifty Four” Ultimatum

The current state (14.26 PM): Succeeds, the European Union, to agree on the largest economic stimulus program in its history? On a Plan that mitigates the effects of the Corona pandemic, at least? The new divisions between member States prevented? The offers might even be the base for an even closer, international even more powerful community? And the designated crisis Manager for Angela Merkel can live up to your reputation?

Behind them, a large question mark on. In the night of Sunday the negotiations for a short bed rest were interrupted. On Sunday, for lunch, announced the restart of the negotiations of the 27 States is delayed in a big round for an indefinite period of time. The pre-interviews lasted, according to diplomats. It is first in a small round possible compromise would be tested lines. The talks were difficult, it was made by the French Delegation. The current status for the Start of the great round of 16 at.

Merkel: “It may be that there is no result,”

Since Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the other 26 heads of state and heads of government in varying formats together and try to reach an agreement on the points of conflict. It’s about how much money it takes, how it is awarded and who has to contribute how much, for probably more than 1800 billion Euro financial package.

On Sunday morning, stressed Angela Merkel as they Arrive for the third day of the trial, it was possible that no agreement will succeed. “If it comes to a solution, I can not say as before,” said Merkel to reporters. “There are a lot of good will. But there are also many positions. And so I will work with it. But it may also be that there is today no result.“

Ultimatum to the “Thrifty Four”

once Again, it is clear that also in the EU when it comes to money, the friendship ends most of the time. With outright blockade threats from countries such as the Netherlands, Hungary, and Poland in their interests to push through to try. As with all major decisions in the EU, the principle of Unanimity applies in the case of budgetary questions. Theoretically, even the Mini-the EU could bring to countries such as Cyprus or Malta negotiations to Burst. AP Angela Merkel during an informal round of talks on Saturday afternoon, with the French President, Emmanuel Macron (right)

A big dispute revolves around the amount of the direct grants. The original discussion Plan of 500 billion euros, particularly of the Corona-crisis-affected countries. The “Thrifty Four” from Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, in EU circles also “dealing with miserly Four” called – want to press this sum but below 400 billion euros.

Instead want to assign the four States, more loans subject to conditions. The Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian kurz had called on Friday, the southern EU countries that receive most of the aid, as “States are in their systems broken”.

Suddenly there are “Frugal Five”

A round of talks between Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the EU-top with the “Thrifty Four” in the late Saturday evening ended inconclusively. On Sunday, Germany and France are supposed to have the four States an Ultimatum. As the “time” reported, not to explain the “Thrifty Four” ready to press the total of the grants under € 400 billion. Otherwise, Berlin and Paris will not lead the negotiations to continue. “It is the decisive Moment,” the newspaper quoted a diplomat.

meanwhile, “saving seeds, Four have won,” a member added: Finland joined on Saturday evening, the Position of Austria, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Orban is bringing Merkel in the quandary

Also, Viktor Orban is. Together with his Polish colleague Mateusz Morawiecki Orban in Total Opposition against a new Instrument to link the award of the Corona – and budget-billion government Standards. Michel had not deleted the rule of law as part of his compromise proposal, however, but only by a few clarifications added.

Orban presented a fully entzahnten counter-proposal. A reduction of EU funds is not to be decided, therefore, only unanimously, i.e. without its consent. In this way, Hungary could prevent Poland be reduced in the medium, and vice versa.

“I don’t know why Rutte hate me”

Merkel and other advocates of the new rule of law mechanism, sat mill in the Zwick: Let the demand for the new Instrument to fall, the fear of the accusation, to have the rule of law, economic interests are sacrificed. You stay hard, you could be a Failure of the summit responsible for. dpa Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, speaking on the sidelines of the EU summit with journalists.

Above all, the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, is regarded as a staunch supporter of the instrument, and will allow no compromises. “I don’t know why, Mark Rutte, to me, or Hungary hates,” said Orban on Sunday morning to journalists. “But he attacked us so harshly”. The attitude of the Dutchman was “unacceptable,” was outraged Orban.

For the Chancellor this is a big risk. It’s not at the EU special summit to billion against Corona-crisis and mass unemployment. Merkel sees in the negotiation of a Signal in the international forces compete with the USA, China and Russia: together, the EU? It provides the joint force effort? Or fails to the interests of individuals, even in the greatest crisis in the community is due to the Corona Virus, after the end of the Second world war?

A Failure would be Failure of Merkel’s. And it would be a very bad sign from the beginning until the end of the year-long German presidency of the EU Council – and in the last year of its Era as Chancellor. The EU is disunited, fragmented in groups such as the self-proclaimed “Thrifty Four”. To avoid Merkel necessarily. Some in Berlin put an end to the EU, already fear this would continue. Olivier Matthys / POOL / AFP-German Chancellor Angela Merkel upon arrival at the Saturday morning

Merkel shakes his head

Satisfied, Merkel seemed to be in as she leaves in the night to Sunday in order to point to 0.36 at together with your most important EU-adviser, Uwe Corsepius, and the Delegation of the summit building. Sentence fragments are there to listen and the words “… we have to pay”. To do this, you can see a Chancellor who shakes your head.

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