Since the beginning of the pandemic, there are presumptions, which is why men suffering from the infection with the novel Coronavirus more: men pay less on their health, smoke more, eat worse. Just the older Generation would have an unhealthy life style. Also, men were generally later to the doctor.

data from the research initiative Global Health 50/50 from more than 20 countries confirm that women infect as often as men. But men often fall ill heavier COVID-19 and are more likely to die of the infection. In the case of mortality rates, the distribution is about one-third to two-thirds.

Certainly, this is due to the pre-existing conditions. Men suffer, for example, much more often of cardiovascular diseases, in which they die are also more likely than women.

the Decisive factor is the age structure is also: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) have died across all age groups up to the 70 – to 79-Year-old at least twice as many men as women. Then the ratio balances and returns from the age group of 90 – to 99-Year-old again.

but that is Probably mainly due to the fact that there are significantly more elderly women than men. The reasons for this gender, the RKI cannot name the difference.

ACE2 Receptor as the main gateway?

An important role of ACE2 might play Receptor, as used in the case of the corona virus-induced diseases COVID-19, SARS, and MERS as a kind of gateway. Also in the case of MERS, men were more affected, says Bernhard Zwißler, Director of the clinic for anesthesiology at LMU University hospital.

According to a study from the University Medical Center Groningen this ACE2 Receptor in men occurs in a higher concentration. This gender difference, the researchers discovered in the investigation of a possible Association between the ACE2 Receptor, and chronic heart failure.

According to Bernhard Zwißler is currently being investigated whether the administration of ACE-inhibitors as blood pressure lowering agents that cells produce more of the ACE2-Receptor, and thus more susceptible to infection. It is conceivable, is not quite proven yet.

Protect Estrogen and a stronger immune system, women?

In comparison, the female immune system is more resilient than that of men. Responsible for the female sex hormone Estrogen, which stimulates the immune system and so fast and solid against pathogens is going on is especially. The male hormone testosterone inhibits, however, the body’s defenses.

the immune system of women to viral infections generally reacts faster and stronger than that of men, shows, according to virologists in other Virus diseases, such as the flu or simple colds.

Molecular virologist: Also “genetic reasons” play a role

Accordingly, the Quips about the “men seem to be even the common cold,” to contain a core of truth.

women are more likely to suffer Auto-immune diseases in which the immune system overreacts, and the patient’s own cells to attack – a possible complication even in the case of COVID-19.

in Addition, there are “genetic reasons”, the share of women before, so the molecular virologist Thomas Pietschmann, compared to the DW. The reason is that “some immune relevant genes, for example genes that are responsible for recognizing pathogens, on the X-encoded chromosome”. Because women have two X-chromosomes and men only one, enjoy the women here are the benefits.

special case India

Surprisingly, research from India that women have a higher risk to die on the Coronavirus as the men. Accordingly, the mortality rate is in the case of infected women, a total of 3.3 percent of infected men at 2.9 percent. In the age group of 40 – to 49-Year-olds, 3.2 percent of the infected women had died, compared to 2.1 percent of the men. In the age group of 5 – to 19-Year-old died exclusively for women.

the reasons for The Indian special event are currently being researched intensively. It is assumed that women are affected, among other things, therefore stronger, because in India, there are simply more older women than men.

in addition, the health of women, in comparison, less attention will be paid to. Women were correspondingly less likely to the doctor and tried to use it often, first with a self-medication. Tests, and Only relatively late did you test or treat.

“How much is due to biological factors and how much depends on social factors, is unclear. The gender can be in the Indian environment is a critical factor,” says SV Subramanian, Professor of population health at Harvard University, to the BBC.

Already the Spanish flu in 1918, died in India, significantly more women than men. Women were more prone to the infection because many of them were malnourished, because they were often locked up in unsanitary and poorly ventilated apartments, and women took care of a lot more often than men to the care of the Sick.

Why are children less at risk?

The novel Coronavirus does not include children, surprisingly, the Weakest members of society – in most children the disease is relatively mild and often even symptom. In Germany since the beginning of the pandemic to COVID-19 dead 8800 people, only three are under the age of 18 years old.

Why this is, is not yet finally clarified. Doctors say that small children already congenital “nonspecific System” works. As a protection in front of the first pathogens the mother passes already in the fetus and later the newborn on the mother’s milk of their own specific immune protection.

To be part of this innate immune system phagocytes and killer cells, for example, are white blood cells, all disease pathogens to attack, penetrate through the mucous membranes or the skin in the body.

This “passive immunization” is usually sufficient, until children have built up their own defense system. Up to about the tenth year of life, children develop their specific immune response. And also after that your immune system remains the whole life long learning, when new pathogens emerge.

children are not “infection driver”

The age distribution at COVID-19 differs in any case from other infectious diseases, where children are often regarded as “infection driver”, because you spread a Virus quickly in the population as a whole.

This was not the case of the novel Coronavirus to the case, has resulted in a much-noticed study, which had been given by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in order. She now serves as the basis for a rapid and comprehensive return to normal operation at the day-care centres and schools, if standards of hygiene, and spacing rules are observed.

it remains Unclear, however, whether infected children are just as contagious as the infected adults. In a much-discussed study of the virologist Christian Drosten of the University hospital Charité in Berlin had shown that children have just as many viruses in the throat like adults. This is the result of other, international studies.

However, the pure presence of viruses in the Airways is still no evidence that these viruses are also given as strong. Since children have less symptoms, so, for example, less cough, could it be that you are infected, but less people to infect, had children, explains to doctors and specialists for Hygiene in a opinion of four professional societies.

author: Alexander friend With a dry “Germany!”, the Labour leader, Boris Johnson, emergence, FOCUS Online/Wochit With a dry “Germany!”, the Labour leader, Boris Johnson, emergence in Mind, one recognizes Tönnies products in the supermarket PCP in Fact, Tönnies products in the supermarket

*The contribution to “Why more men die of COVID-19?” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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