The Bavarian state government is pushing ahead with the refurbishment of the breakdown in the Corona-testing of the holiday returnees. Tens of thousands of findings have yet to be to the Affected transferred, including positive. Prime Minister Markus Söder keeps his health Minister Melanie Huml (both CSU), it pushes in Opposition to criticism.

Söder regrets the error

“That after a scandal of this magnitude no one pulls to the personal consequences, is an indictment and is damaging our political culture in a sustainable way. Huml is after the Test Disaster as Minister of health no longer acceptable,” said FDP-land-in-chief Daniel Föst.

Söder was given on Thursday the glitch and the error regrets of the should be fixed as soon as possible. He said Huml his confidence, which had twice offered her resignation. Andreas Zapf has, however, been replaced as head of the state office for health and food safety, and to the Ministry added.

  • see also: Corona-Anpacker Söder, the Bavarian Test debacle at an inopportune time

comes, “What should we do?”

On Wednesday had declared Huml, that more than 44,000 travel returnees would still get no result for your Corona Tests were made for the most part, at the end of July stations to border rest areas. The background for the delays is, therefore, especially that of the balance of the laboratory investigation, and forms to expire manually. In addition, the demand was greater than expected.

A concerned tourists reported to the “image”newspaper: “As chaos reigned, the pens were used multiple times and there is no gap observed.” Other travelers wait for several days to a notification. “My husband is a truck driver that must work. What should we do?“, she explained to the newspaper.

a Contact sheet simple

left Also in the case of the Transmission of the documents it is supposed to be to come breakdown. As the Bavarian radio (BR) reported, the competent state office for health and food safety (LGL) to one of the test stations in the vicinity of Passau, the completed contact sheets of trip returnees left behind and not taken. Instead, only the laboratory sheets had been taken.

As the BR reported, it could cause delays in the notification. The Passauer land speaks ratsamt resist this representation, however, All of the important contact details are also listed on the lab sheets. Why it needs, however, a second arc is unclear. The contact sheets were too late been to Passau transported, on Wednesday, the police brought you from there to the Ministry of health to Munich, where they scanned had been. Overall, it should be 25,000 contact sheets, reported the “Passauer Neue Presse”

many questions are Still open

Among the not-yet-provided test results, but also hundreds of positive results were. Stand Thursday afternoon, had spoken to the Minister of health of 908 identified Affected would be contacted since the Morning. In addition, there are also positive results that could not be assigned. You may also duplicate were below the should be examined.

Totally unclear questions, where the Infected live in the Moment and how many are aware of them already are. Also couldn’t tell you on Thursday, no one, where the Diseased were on vacation and where exactly do you have plugged in.

  • All of the Corona-read News in the Ticker from FOCUS Online

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