Travemünde: Here, wanted to cart our Wish-passenger, with his wife, daughter, her partner and two Grand children spend time with. The family took advantage of the opportunity immediately to go alone to the moles and to the common memories. ASB The family rejoiced in the fulfillment of your desire.

Then, still tasty fish were eaten the bun and chips, with our passenger gave up his loved one for that day and so true saying always for the Best: “What we were so lucky with the weather.”

FOCUS Online donations for the wish car

FOCUS Online supports a special Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund-project as media partners: The “wish wagon” filled with dying sick people last wishes and takes you to places that you want to see again. The reports on the trips of the “wish wagon” can be read here.

you can support the rides with your donation to:

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e. V.
Volksbank Mittelhessen
IBAN: DE07 5139 0000 0060 8253 51
keyword: customer requests car

Or here directly via the donation form to the ASB.

The seriously ill 78-Year-old enjoyed being with his family, was always cheerful and was launched at the end of right to flirt. ASB, Our volunteer Wish granter of the family for each other gave up a lot of space.

Also, for our Wish granter Ute Uhrbrook and Helmut and Hollstein, receiving kudos for the friendly and uncomplicated handling, it was nice to experience the intimate with each other in this family. Much too quickly the time and the drive back to lübeck Rickers-Kock passed-house had to be commenced. A beautiful day and lasting memories for all Involved. Five members of the young family foster child to be adopted including siblings, PCP five members of the young family adopted a foster child along with siblings