According to a new survey, violence against teachers and school administrations is “on the agenda” in Germany and a growing problem.

This is the result of a representative survey of around 1,300 school principals nationwide, which the Education and Training Association (VBE) presented at the start of the school management congress in Düsseldorf. There was a dramatic decline in the job satisfaction of school management and also depressing findings on the subject of violence against educational staff, said the chairman of the teachers’ union, Udo Beckmann.

For the survey, which has been regularly commissioned by the opinion research institute Forsa since 2016, this time in September and October 2022 all federal states were asked. In the meantime, two-thirds of the school managements surveyed have reported direct psychological violence such as insults, threats or harassment in the past five years. A third of those surveyed reported that teachers were victims of cyberbullying, i.e. defamation or coercion on the Internet. In another third of the schools, there were violent physical attacks on teachers or school administrations.