For once, almost everyone in Germany agrees on one question: a renewed presidency of Donald Trump would be bad for the Federal Republic. 82 percent see it that way, according to a Forsa survey for stern. 11 percent would think that the entrepreneur’s return to the top position in the USA would be good for Germany. 7 percent express no opinion.
AfD supporters once again see things differently: 47 percent would also think a Trump comeback would be good for Germany, only 45 percent would think it would be bad. This makes AfD voters the only group where a majority expects positive effects from another Trump presidency. Overall, attitudes towards Trump in Germany have hardly changed in recent years. At the beginning of the 2016 presidential election year, 79 percent of citizens said that they would generally not like it if the entrepreneur became US President.
The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa for stern and RTL Deutschland on January 4th and 5th. Database: 1000 respondents. Statistical margin of error: /- 3 percentage points