Economics Minister Robert Habeck still has a lot of convincing to do when it comes to the energy transition. Just 18 percent of Germans think the plan to ban the installation of conventional gas and oil heating systems from 2024 is correct. Even among supporters of the Greens, only 47 percent are in favor. This was the result of a Forsa survey commissioned by stern.

In order to achieve the climate goals, Habeck wants to prescribe that new systems must use 65 percent renewable energy, for example using heat pumps. However, an overwhelming majority of citizens believe that every homeowner should be able to decide for themselves what type of heating they use. That’s how 50 percent of Green voters see it. Not surprisingly, the rejection is particularly great among those who heat with oil and gas today. They are 81 and 84 percent respectively against a ban.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa for the RTL Group Germany on March 2 and 3, 2023. Database: 1,002 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 3 percentage points.