to recognize buttons Laser of aircraft from the ground, and also built among the Vegetation. Overall, the researchers discovered in the Region of 21 major and minor ceremonial centers, which are almost all similar, in a North-South direction extending rectangular Plateau with a series of mounds.

Largest plant is 3000 years old

by far The largest of the Complex is approximately 3000 years old Aguada FĂ©nix with a heaped, rectangular Plateau, which is more than 1.4 kilometers long and 400 meters wide. “To our Knowledge, this is the oldest ever in the Maya area, found monumental construction and the largest in the entire präspanischen history of this Region,” explain the researchers in the journal “Nature”.

the construction of The large platform began to researchers information no later than around the year 1000 before Christ, around the year 750 BC, the complex was abandoned already again. The heyday of the Mayan culture reached only about 200 to 800 ad. On the great plateau, unlike in the have – a few Privileged reserved for the later pyramids many people found the place, according to the researchers.
