Marco Aguiriano (Brussels, 56 years old) has had to devote a good part of his 18 months in Spain to deal with the Brexit. This EU official was the director-general for External Policies of the Union in the European Parliament when he received the call from Josep Borrell to take care of his or her specialty, community affairs, in the Ministry of Foreign affairs.

Question. the way of The Brexit seems now clear. Does the agreement that has been reached with the EU Boris Johnson leaving it all closed for the interests of the spaniards?

Response. The agreement shields all the needs and interests of the spaniards. To Spain you are interested in a very close relationship because we have it in the economic field and trade, and tourism. We also have joints common as IAG. In what it comes to agreements, there will be contingency plans. The future agreement must cover the fishing, very important for Spain, and agricultural products. In terms of guarantees, which is shielded is Gibraltar. On the 31st of January it will be definitely established that any pact between the EU and the Uk over Gibraltar must necessarily count on the agreement of Spain.

Q. And what will Spain respect to such future agreements with Gibraltar?

A. Spain does not waive absolutely nothing, not even the sovereignty. Another thing is the timing and rhythm. 96% of gibraltarians did not want to leave the EU. Possibly the Rock want a relationship much closer than the Uk. But that will be if Spain agrees. To us from the moment we are interested in having an area of shared prosperity with the Field of Gibraltar. And that the unfair competition of the companies in the Rock go coming to an end. This circumstance derives from the fact that, to be able to enter the then european communities, Spain had to submit to the rules that the United Kingdom had negotiated over Gibraltar. In the seventies, the Rock was a candidate for funds for development cooperation. Today is the third per capita income in the world. What a difference, isn’t it? Because a light there is to distribute. It is in the benefit of the entire area. Moreover, it is a region of the world critical from the strategic point of view. It is not just a claim romantic about a piece of land.

Q. Says that Spain does not surrender sovereignty, but the president himself ensures that is not on the table.

A. to assert it now would not lead to anything. And it seems to us that the fact that Gibraltar wants a very close relationship with the EU will lead to the gibraltarians to realize that your future is much more for Madrid than London. It take to regain the sovereignty, as we will see. That is why we do not waive that claim. We are getting useful results, productive, much more beneficial to see a large Spanish flag flapping in the Rock. Now is not a priority. Where there is that reivindicarlo is already doing.

Q. How does it affect the credibility of Spain in the EU the judgment of the european court, which recognizes the immunity of Oriol Junqueras?

A. The credibility of Spain is not to be put into play by this question, but that is by measuring in these past 18 months by a positive list of actions in the framework of the european construction. This Government has inherited all the elements of this problem and is managed with the rigor and transparency needed, and, of course, with the strict respect of the separation of powers. The judicial dimension continues on his way, different and independent of the political.

Q. Spain will become a net contributor to the coffers of the EU for the first time in the budget period 2021-2027. Do you will have to do more education about the benefits of the Union?

A. There are that make pedagogy always. Some of my european colleagues tell me that their electorate does not want to pay more taxes. I say to you: even in Spain, but the role of a politician is not just to have what they don’t want their electorate; you will also have to talk to him and explain why. Yes, we’re going to turn into net contributors, but we are negotiating. Today we are a country much more prosperous, it attracts more tourism and investments. And we’re not going to stop the benefit of the EU. The advantages are infinitely superior to a calculation accounting. We have had 60 years of peace, prosperity, harmony, with less than 1% of the gross national income. It is not bad. This is a coffee per citizen per day.