Thousands of people took to the streets in Spain again to demonstrate for left-wing Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to remain in office. At the rally in front of the House of Commons in Madrid, demonstrators carried placards with slogans such as “Sánchez, yes, keep going” and “Don’t give up.” Solidarity rallies also took place in other cities across the country on Sunday. There had already been demonstrations in support of the 52-year-old on Saturday.

Sánchez wants to announce tomorrow whether he will resign from office. After a corruption complaint against his wife, the socialist politician surprisingly announced last Wednesday that he was considering resigning. He canceled all public appointments for a five-day reflection period and announced a decision for Monday.

The demonstration took place under the motto “For the love of democracy”. The participants accuse the right-wing and right-wing populist opposition of using “blackmail and fake news” to attack the left-wing government and endanger democracy. In Madrid, the authorities estimated the number of participants at around 5,000.

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The complaint against the head of government’s wife was filed by the organization “Manos Limpias” (Clean Hands), which is classified as very right-wing. She accuses Begoña Gómez (49), who does not hold public office, of influence and corruption in the economy. “Manos Limpias” later admitted that the ad was based on media reports that could well be false.

Sánchez, who has ruled Spain since 2018, wrote on Wednesday on head of government or should resign from this high honor”.

If Sánchez leaves office, King Felipe VI would have to. propose a successor to parliament after consultations with the party leaders. However, it cannot be ruled out that he will remain in office and ask parliament to vote of confidence or announce an early election.