Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor in a word, life to the Max Weber specially invented seemed to be: Realpolitik . The great German sociologist held on the 28. In January of 1919, less than 100 listeners in the narrow, gloomy Munich art room Steinicke is a speech that Schmidt, and many other politicians as a ethical guide to action served.

It was in this speech, which was entitled ” politics as a vocation “, to define what had to be a man, “to be allowed to put his Hand in the spokes of the wheel of the history of the place.”

This ideal type of the politician should not be a ” puffs “. He had “on a daily basis and to overcome the hour” a ” – trivial, all-too-human enemy: the very common vanity.” And if he had done it, he must advance to the “three qualities” which are essential for the successful politician: “passion, a sense of responsibility and sense of proportion.” The Person

Gabor Steingart is one of the most famous journalists in the country. He is editor of the Newsletter “Steingarts Morning Briefing”. The eponymous Podcast is Germany’s leading Daily Podcast for politics and the economy. In the spring of 2020 Steingart moves in with his editorial on the editorial ship “Pioneer One”. Prior to founding Media Pioneer was Steingart Chairman of the Board of management of the Handelsblatt Media Group.

Be free Morning Briefing, you can find here: www.gaborsteingart.com

Which brings us to Jens Spahn . He is with his 40 years of yet no second Helmut Schmidt , but he is friendly Strictness, a conservative primed liberality and belligerence, the different way of thinking and not exclude, a Politikertyp that is, in the Max-Weber-class is to be attained. The überehrgeizigen Ichling, the Zuspitzer, the tricky player from the days of the young Union in any case, he has left behind. While he tries, Corona small to get , has increased the policies of the pandemic him.

Spahn to Let the mask have a duty to: “to me, this concept of freedom does not take away”

In his Ministry yesterday, I met a Jens Spahn , which strives to connect its resolution with Dialogue – in the face of a society that is drifting. the Spahn explains his concept of freedom :

“I wear the mask in a free decision, because for me, freedom with responsibility, responsibility for myself and responsibility for others.”

“I’m this concept of freedom is not a side take away.”

Media Pioneer Publishing AG demonstrators hold a banner: “freedom of choice is a fundamental right”.

Despite all the contradictions, which also include political intolerance, is not involved in the exclusion from dissenters . Unlike the SPD Chairman, he does not see in Berlin’s Tiergarten only Covidioten :

“There is a group that has demonstrated, but there are different groups, different concerns, different motivations.”

“questions, which were previously there are still times contoured.”

And, of course, there is also the perception of interest, and the very a different perspective to reality :

“The lung specialist, the just seen ten patients die or on the ventilation device is cumbersome in front of the Die has been saved, it will have a different opinion than the coach, the system is Broke.”

Media Pioneer Publishing AG demonstrators hold a banner: “Corona – false alarm?”

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Minister of health on “prevention paradox”

particularly <strong > unfair you perceive it to the Minister that the fall of high infection and death numbers now against him and his policy will be used:

“this is The prevention paradox: the good location, the question arises more and more: we Need to actually make this? The prevention is created the precondition for the good location.”

Controversially, we have discussed the various measures the government’s policy. Because the distance bid in the retail, gastronomy and the culture of life contrasted with the new-old Close in the railway and Lufthansa. Spahn says:

“of Course, leave it in doubt, the safest, no more driving and no plane to lift off. But that would be a massive restriction of mobility and of freedom.”

Media Pioneer Publishing AG, Countless protesters gather on the streets and reclaim their freedom.

the possibilities of a Dialogue we have spoken to the General lack the stock voice search to overcome:

“I, it must be possible to lead the conversation and to find. If there are corresponding formats, I’m all for it.”

conclusion: Good policy begins with the recognition of reality , even if this occurs in the Plural. That’s why Spahn is trying, medically, and politically. Max Weber would have had on the high rationality content this Minister his joy: “politics is made with the head, not with other Parts of the body or of the soul.”

As a Reporter, Trump in the TV exposes, the stroppy: “you Can’t do”, FOCUS Online/Wochit As a Reporter, Trump on the TV just to respond to the rude: “you Can’t do that” Massive Explosion Beirut shake – dozens of injured, the army in the use of FOCUS Online/Wochit Massive Explosion dozens injured, army, Beirut, shake – in use