The proposal by CDU leader Friedrich Merz to first decide to raise the standard rates in the dispute over citizen income and then to discuss other parts of the project later met with rejection in the SPD. “Mr. Merz’s argument surprises me a bit,” said Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD).

In the past few days, the Union has always complained that the gap between citizen income and wages is not big enough. Now she changes the context and just wants to raise the money. “That would have fallen short in terms of labor market policy. That’s why we’re campaigning for a major reform,” said Heil.

“This is no longer the time for party tactics, it’s about many people who need support to get out of trouble, that’s what we’re concentrating on,” added the SPD politician. He confirmed the traffic light schedule for the introduction of citizen income on January 1st. Numerous requests for changes from the federal states were received. “So the hand is outstretched.” Should there be a mediation procedure between the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, solutions must be found so that it can come into force on January 1st.

For the introduction of citizen income, the traffic light is dependent on the approval of the federal states governed by the Union in the Bundesrat. CDU and CSU complain about “wrong incentives” in social reform. Merz had brought up the proposal for the Bundestag to first decide to increase the current Hartz IV rates at the turn of the year. “And then we have to talk about this system change that is being made with this so-called citizen money,” said the CDU leader in the ARD “Tagesthemen”.

“This is an overall package that is coherent in itself and also contains the connection for expiring regulations. We don’t take out something that one side just likes and burden the job center with uncertainties,” said the deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Dagmar Schmidt, on Monday of the German Press Agency.