The full for the debate of investiture of the socialist Pedro Sanchez will start at 9.00 this Saturday at the Congress of Deputies, with a speech by the candidate without limit of time. The first vote will take place before the noon of Sunday the 5th, after the discussion with the other parliamentary groups, and will require an absolute majority of the Chamber (176) to endow Sanchez as president. If you do not get this absolute majority, as is expected, the second vote will take place on Tuesday the 7th, 48 hours after the first, and in this the aspirant just needs more affirmative votes than negative.

it Is expected, therefore, that the socialist candidate to be elected as the president of the Government of that day. It would be the first time that Sanchez had just come out victorious from a debate of investiture, despite being the third time it was presented as a candidate. The last one was the 25 of July of 2019, when only obtained the favorable votes of the Socialist Group and the Party’s Regionalist of Cantabria.


The PSOE ratified the agreement with ERC and warns that “a consultation is not a referendum of self-determination,” the president of The Congress summoned the session of investiture on Saturday, at nine in the morning, Seven weeks and 11 players to a governance agreement

After the inaugural address of Sanchez on the morning of this Saturday, it will be a break of about two hours for the parliamentary groups to adapt their interventions to the program of Government presented by the candidate. Then, each one of them shall have forty minutes intervention: 30 for opening remarks and 10 replica. Added to this are the responses of the candidate, without limit of time, which makes the discussion with each group was prolonged about two hours. The Board of Spokespersons has decided this Saturday that will not grant you an extra turn of three minutes, to the different groups for a rejoinder.

it Is expected that the Saturday, may intervene with the leaders of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado; Vox, Santiago Abascal; and United we Can, Pablo Churches, who will share time with their confluences Catalan and galician. Subsequently, it will be the turn of Group Plural —involving representatives from Junts per Catalunya, More Country-Equo, coalición Canaria, New Canary, Compromís, BNG, Party Regionalist of Cantabria and Teruel Exists—. It remains to be seen if the day will close with the expected debate between Sanchez and Gabriel Ruffian (CKD), or if there is time for that also involving the spokesman for the PNV, Aitor Esteban.

Sunday will begin with the turn of one’s own Esteban, or, in their absence, the spokesperson of EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua. Will be followed by the representatives of the different parties of the Joint Group —composed by UPN, Forum Asturias and the CUP— and close Adriana Lastra (PSOE). After the speeches, the deputies will be called one by one and they will be standing to vote. Predictably, Sanchez will not have the absolute majority of the vote, so that the full will be postponed for 48 hours until the next vote.

Tuesday will be the last session of the debate of investiture. Sanchez will have ten minutes to ask for the support of the Chamber and the representatives of the different parliamentary groups shall be five minutes. After a new vote, Sanchez will be conferred is expected to get more votes in favour than against it. If so, the speaker of the House, Meritxell Batet, it shall so notify the King, for the purposes of his appointment as president of the Government.