The German weather service is currently a severe weather warning-severe Thunderstorms with heavy heavy rain and hail for parts of Germany. Residents can expect rainfall amounts of up to 40 l/m2 per hour, and gusts of wind with speeds up to 85 km/h and hail. The warning for the following counties in North Rhine-affected Westfalen:
- district of Borken
- district of Coesfeld
- city of Münster
- district of Warendorf
severe weather in Germany – Current warning before a severe lightning Storm in 7 provinces
16.33 PM: The German weather service now warns in 7 provinces before the severe weather. The associated heavy Thunderstorm strikes with up to 85 km/h. In addition, it comes to heavy heavy rain, the partly 40 liters per square meter of water in an hour from the sky rain and small hail. Affected parts of these provinces:
- lower Saxony
- North Rhine-Westphalia
- Hesse
- Thüringen
- Bavaria
- Sachsen
- Brandenburg
All other information on the current weather situation in Germany in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Trump leaves in small steps to the stage and makes for speculation, FOCUS Online/Wochit Trump leaves in small steps to the stage and makes for speculation.
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