Fear of being accountable to ? Regret to be packed a little too fast ? Ségolène Royal has in any case operated a discreet cleaning his Twitter account about the chloroquine, at the end of last week. Passages to the trap identified by the account ” Should not delete “, which occurred, coincidentally, in the wake of the publication of several studies that are unfavourable to the use of the drug in the treatment of patients with Covid-19, including that of the 22 last may in the medical journal the Lancet, the most extensive survey to date, demonstrating the ineffectiveness or harmfulness of the treatment in some patients. To such a point that the High Council of public health, seized by the minister Olivier Véran, recommends not to use this medicine, particularly for its cardiac toxicity.

new data that have, it seems, convinced Ségolène Royal to lift the foot on the subject as it had proved to be a fierce partisan of this treatment as evidenced by several posts in march on Twitter. On the first, the former companion of François Hollande regretted the procrastination of the government and slow bureaucratic on the subject, arguing that the treatment with chloroquine was ” the best known solution confirmed by specialists indisputable “. In the aftermath, it pledged its support to the media and controversial professor Raoult from Marseille, who has treated many patients with this protocol, by reacting to the interview of his right arm on LCI : “to Be in solidarity with these doctors, specialists, authoritative and responsible,” who ” know what they are doing “, tweeted it, enthusiastic.

To his credit, Ségolène Royal is not the only one to have supported the professor Raoult and its treatment with chloroquine in the crisis of the Covid-19. Other politicians, like the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, have not hidden their admiration, Emmanuel Macron, himself, has hailed a ” great scientist “, Paris Match, it was granted a full coverage, the French have launched petitions to this researcher recognized that crystallized both hope and divisions…

Ségolène Royal has recognized this Monday, at the microphone of Radio Classic as she remained a supporter of professor Didier Raoult, and that she was ready to re-tweets, ” if there were new attacks against this doctor “. And to clarify also that his former messages were only intended to denounce ” the way in which he had been treated “. But then, why have them removed ? “This is not a subject “, is it justified to the antenna. “Regularly, I have set my Twitter account up to date by removing tweets that match the topics specific and I will let the tweets sustainable…” An explanation convoluted which leads us to believe that, clearly, chloroquine no longer has the same virtues with Ms. Royal. “It is a medicine that is not known to be harmful, she recalled. Is it effective ? It is to see… ” Prudence is the mother of safety.

Read also The descent to the underworld of Ségolène Royal