This Monday was the first actual day of the coalition Government, unprecedented since the 30s. And the day left multiple evidence that the Executive will for all, and intends to take longer and be much more strong of what is presumed with the small and complex majority which allowed the endowment. Pedro Sanchez showed from the first minute who is willing to assume the cost of a critical is pretty tough not only in opposition, but in strata’s basic State, as the world court, to a change of control to someone of your absolute confidence as the former minister of Justice Dolores Delgado, a key position as the State Attorney general’s office.

And while the president announced through their spokespersons this controversial decision —which has a single precedent in 1986, with Javier Moscoso—, Pablo Iglesias, the other part of the coalition, announced in a crowded swearing that this will be a “strong Government” and launched the praises of president Sanchez for his “vision” while he and Carmen Calvo, that he gave his portfolio of vice-president, is applauded and praised.

it Was a day especially emotional for many, especially the ministers of United we Can, that had never been in a Government. “Yes we can! Yes, we can!” shouting, fist of the faithful of the Churches in the first few rows, while some in the hallways reminded that just a few months ago the coalition seemed completely impossible, and the party risked irrelevance in elections repeatedly forced by the failure of the negotiations.

All the actions and messages of the day, both of the socialist ministers such as United we Can, seemed aimed at distancing the specter of this Government will be unstable and will last very little.

The minister of Finance and spokesperson, Maria Jesus Montero told reporters that he is already preparing Budgets to try to take them out in the first quarter, although it will all depend on how the consolidation of the new majority and especially the situation in Catalonia and the decision of Esquerra, whose abstention would again be essential to take forward the public accounts.

But the main dish of the day —there will be more in the next few days, and this Tuesday is expected to announce the rise of pensions of 0.9%, which was postponed in December— was the pump, unexpected Thin as the new attorney general. Both Carmen Calvo as the Montero, which has already started to exercise spokesperson, insisted in the corridors with reporters that Thin is the ideal person for the position because he knows well the house and insisted that all governments choose their attorney general, and the fact that there has been a minister doesn’t limit his independence or his professional capacity after 25 years in the National Audience. But the critics were harsh. Paul Married, the PP leader, went on to say that Delgado will be “the minister number 23” and accused Sánchez of breaking down the division of powers. Married announced that the PP will use the appointment to the Supreme Court, although it seems difficult that no one can take back this decision of Sanchez, that is the responsibility of the Executive.

After the first Council of Ministers this Tuesday, which is scheduled at least the good news for the pension to start with the right foot, you will arrive the Friday, with more significant measures, and brief the Executive will begin to go to Congress to test the medicine that we have reserved the opposition. In the corridors of the outlets of possession of both the leaders of the PSOE as United We insisted that both have made a strategic decision to fund to bet on this coalition Government and all have a lot of interest in it last. No one wants to hear talk of elections in a few months, as happened after the motion of censure of 2018. The idea is to lengthen as much as possible this endowment to be able to consolidate the first european experience of a coalition Government of the social democrats and a formation of new type to its left.

they All insist on the idea that in politics things will only work if you agree to all interested parties, and this time both parties have seen to it that a repeat election would not be appropriate to none -between the two they lost almost 1.5 million votes on the results of April and 10 seats. -. The hardness of the opposition, which will look at the first appearances, paradoxically it can also serve as the glue of the new majority. Everything is therefore ready to make a Government much more stable and solid than the majority that sustains it. But the key will be the same as the other time in the Budgets. If you manage to pass, it will consolidate the idea that the Executive of the coalition will not be an anecdote, but that has come to stay.