According to British estimates, Russia is increasingly relying on Iranian drones in the war against Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense in London said on Wednesday that Russia wanted to make up for its lack of cruise missiles, citing intelligence findings. Since September, Russian troops have used hundreds of missiles against Ukraine, including so-called kamikaze drones. “But the approach has had limited success,” it said. Most of the drones were eliminated by the Ukrainian air defense.

The targets of the drone attacks were primarily tactical military objects and the Ukrainian power grid, the British ministry said. Most recently, however, the Russian commanders had demanded that the Iranian drones target medical facilities and attack them with guided missiles.

No more attacks by kamikaze drones have been reported for a few days, it said in London. “Russia has probably almost exhausted its current stock, but will probably try to resupply.” It is probably easier for Russia to procure new drones from abroad than to produce new cruise missiles, the ministry said.

The British Ministry of Defense has published daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, citing intelligence information. In doing so, the British government wants to both counter the Russian portrayal and keep allies in line. Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.