The latest Figures of the constitutional protection are a concern: Thus, there are alone in Central Germany currently has 67 plots of land, which are firmly in the right Hand. 27 in Saxony, 22 are located in Saxony-Anhalt, and at least 18 in Thuringia. Striking: 90 percent of these Nazi real estate on the country, especially in villages. The protection of the Constitution warns that the new Right to establish there bases for the regional scene.

A scene-base Right is located in Kloster Veßra. 2014 has purchased the nationally known neo-Nazi Tommy Frenck the Inn “the Golden lion”. Frenck operates now a shipping trade, and organized concerts. The municipality of los currently trying the unwelcome guest to be by a right of first refusal for the building claim. However, the case is difficult and lengthy. An expert’s report should bring clarity.

Nazi real estate: The Right to bring hatred and violence in the villages

By neo-Nazis “occupied” houses there are in cities. One of them is, for example, a former supermarket in the Erfurt high-rise development Mr mountain. He was hired five years ago by a right-wing grouping. In front of this building, the three men had been attacked in the night of the last Saturday from Guinea from the extreme Right. Two of them were injured, one seriously.

For an observer of the scene and activists of the “conquest of Rights” is not a new phenomenon. The extremism researcher Robert Claus explains in an interview with FOCUS Online, the neo-Nazis would try with the real estate, an infrastructure for the funding and networking of the scene. “That’s where you exercise the right to organize concerts of neo-Nazi Bands and political training.” In addition, there are some extreme right-real estate is also based on WGs or sport rooms where the political violence is trained, so Claus.

right-wing extremism: “For any of the rights of the East is the beautiful Germany. It is the Pegida-country”

is affected Why but the East is just so strong from this problem?

extremism researcher Claus argues that East Germany is well-organized structures have a militant neo-Nazis “and part of a social environment, that this is tolerated”. Claus stressed, however, that the focus should not lead to the East of Germany to the fallacy that, there is the Problem in the West.

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Also, the ideological Background plays in the “conquest of Rights” in East Germany, a role that white Felix Steiner, He is involved in the Mobile counseling in Thuringia (MOBIT), an Association that fights for democracy and against right-wing extremism, and says: “From extreme right-wing point of view, the East is the beautiful Germany. It is the Pegida country, there are less migrants, less ‘foreign Infiltration’.”

another reason that East Germany is particularly affected, is relatively trivial, adds Steiner: “The real estate prices here are much lower. The villages are looking for a part desperately seeking buyers for vacant properties.“

communities to get rid of the use of unwelcome neighbors hard – right of first refusal!

The Problem for many municipalities: los is When rights groups are only moved once, you’re hard again. This is the case, not least to the Inn of the “Star-Nazis” Frenck in Kloster Veßra.

“The right of first refusal is one of the few opportunity for communities to rid themselves of right-wing groups in their village,” says MOBIT-speaker, Felix Steiner, and recalls a case: In the Thuringian town of Crawinkel was able to fight back the administration of the municipality against the planned purchase of a property by neo-Nazis, by making her pre-emption claim. So it could be prevented, that the restaurant “Drei Linden” has been converted to a right-hand quarters.

something Similar happened last autumn in Saxony. Here, the Identitarian movement wanted to buy the castle mountain, a manor from the 14th century. Century. The purchase contract was already signed, but then the community took advantage of clean mountain at the last Moment, her right of pre-emption.

Thuringia: state government sold land to the right of the Association

But always the authorities to prevent the entry of the extreme Right. On the contrary: in 2011, for example, the free state of Thuringia itself has sold a plot of land of right-wing radicals. The Thuringian state government claimed to have no knowledge about the Background, the buyer had. Only after the transfer of ownership had become known that the woman is a member of the extreme right-wing Association memorial e. V. However, the Association was observed at the time nationwide from the protection of the Constitution, the ignorance of the government is, therefore, more than doubtful.

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Protest: hall, shows how citizens ‘ “rights to land” can prevent

In the fight against the real estate Trick that the Right can also cause the inhabitants of the villages affected much, says activist Steiner. To raise awareness of the Problem, is the most important measure. “Often the owners of such real estate to give to the outside are very harmless. This is why the enlightenment is so important,“ says Steiner. This could for example be done by means of lectures and protests. Authorities were encouraged to take the Situation seriously. “You have to recognize it as what it is: a fear zone.”

An example of a successful Protest against neo-Nazi neighbors can be found in Halle / Saale in Saxony-Anhalt. Here, the Identitarian movement has abandoned the end of 2019 to not aufhörendem pressure from the society and several protests of their right extreme house project “Flamberg”. On their nationwide Website, the group admits, the pressure from the outside was actually a reason that you have resolved your local tenancy.

the protection of the Constitution Responds to late?

MOBIT-speaker Steiner white: “It is rare that protests get so little. Here the peculiarity was that the building is in a student city, opposite the University Campus. The students and residents were very persistent.“ Nevertheless, there are certainly ways to address this Problem.

An important step for The protection of the Constitution to, apparently, this phenomenon more and more. This was gratifying, says Steiner. “However, there is the Problem for decades.” In the beginning of the nineties, was described in the strategy papers of neo-Nazis, that the possession of real estate is an important point for you to be in the middle of the population arrive. “For me, the warnings come 30 years too late.”

to Ensure that only much more extreme right-run homes appear to reports in the protection of the Constitution, has MOBIT-speaker Steiner changed a detailed explanation: Many of the constitutional protection offices, including the Bavarian, had only a few years ago, your Definition of a “right of property”. “As a result, statistics have gone up significantly, from only two collected right property then almost 20 in the whole province were.”

book recommendation (display)

Robert Claus’s new book “your fight” to be published in October in the publishing house “The workshop”. Claus observes a professionalization of physical violence. Europe’s neo-Nazi scene is trained for the day X on which the ultra-right of the political coup is to succeed. The Bay gives an insight into a growing international martial arts network of militant neo-Nazis with Links to football Hooligans, far-right rock bands and security companies. Are framed the texts by making a contribution to the issues of prevention, as well as a report about the international fight sports tourism, ranging up to Thailand. To get a word in combat sports, to be Concerned, right-wing violence, sport, politician and connoisseur of the neo-Nazi scene.

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