There are dramatic conditions in a nursing home in the lower Saxony town of Celle, of which the Süddeutsche Zeitung last week reported. Pictures to prevent in need of care show, in part, are knotted in pain with the own blanket in your bed, and allow it to slip so-called incontinence diapers. “Fixing” the process is known in the medical jargon, it actually needs a court order.

Further, the sheet describes an incident in which a resident the help, going to the toilet was refused, although he had received a few days previously, his lower leg amputated. As the man himself fights to the bathroom, burst, apparently, the surgery sutures: The residents had to be treated in a clinic.

For Markus may, President of the foster chamber of Rhineland-Palatinate, the pictures move on the “border on torture”, as he says, the “SZ”. The incidents in the home are only now coming to light, because in the past few months due to the Corona pads are neither members of the residents of the Medical service of the health insurances (MDK) access to the home had.

Also, for Claus Fussek of the report from Celle, is not shocking, really surprising, however. The care expert has become in the last two decades, to the point of contact for anonymous to show itself in the care sector. To him, the nurses turn to, to complain to in the shadow of anonymity about the abuses of their institutions.

cases such as in Celle had for years, a nationwide Problem in Germany, according to Fussek in an interview with FOCUS Online. “Everybody in the scene knows that.” Where, however, the reasons for the scare are trending and how such abuse can be actions in the future prevent?

abuse in care: It’s complicated

the Situation in The industry is tense for years: EUR 376,000 care workers are missing, according to the Institute of the German economy at the moment in Germany. By 2035, the supply gap is projected to grow to half a million nurses and carers. Add to this the often, wages just above the minimum wage. Excuse the acts not to miss, of course, but the Figures give at least an impression about the adverse working conditions in the industry brings many workers to their limits.

That changes in the German care system are urgently needed, also looks Fussek so. This would not, however, stem primarily from the policy, but the sector itself will be initiated and argued the care of the critics.

Less than ten per cent of care workers were in a trade Union, says Fussek and call the state “one of the biggest problems of the care”. Because In the struggle for better working conditions and fair wages to the workers are set with the private care companies are often under. “I see the nurses in the duty to show solidarity and jointly for their interests.” The bargaining power could be so easy for employees to move. “Right now, in the Corona-crisis would be a good opportunity to do so”, is Fussek convinced.

care for the elderly In the society

From the society, there is equality in this area, however, little support. Abuses like the recent events in Celle would be accepted by many people, almost indifferent, criticized Fussek. “Parts of the population deny that higher wages would not have to be paid at the end of the policy, but of our tax and contribution payers. But the willingness seems to be missing.”

Not only the nurses themselves, but also the relatives of the patient would have to show solidarity with them. “Instead, many people give up their parents in nursing homes and visit them only rarely. Of course, the nurses get the impression that the General Public is free neither to their problems nor would the circumstances of life of the ancient people interested,“ said Fussek. The lack of social interest in the care of old people offer, therefore, the breeding ground for questionable care practices, or even abuses worthy.

care homes: “To create a fear-free climate,”

Still a question, why abuse in old people’s homes, as was recently in Celle, only after months or may never come to light. After all, we see in these days of all hand images of grievances of police violence, or disgusting practices in meat factories. So why not also from affected nursing homes?

Fussek as the reason for this phenomenon a “climate of fear in many institutions”. People who want to draw attention to Misdemeanours and shortcomings, would be bullied “often by their own colleagues systematically and hostility. A real system change is, under these circumstances, it is scarcely possible,” says nursing expert.

early warning system in the homes

Fussek has received over the years countless anonymous reports about such incidents. What would help is an early warning system within the homes, in the care workers not afraid to Overexertion and possible ill-treatment might point. However, such instruments would play in the for-profit calculus for many private carriers only to a subordinate role, explains Fussek.

Even if empathy and intensive care homes for the elderly in many care as a matter of course apply, is illustrated by the recent events, that the attention of society, care homes and carers in need of now alike. Apparently even more urgent than I thought. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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